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External News

Issue date: 

The Norway - Indonesian REDD deal - an insight

The governments of Indonesia and Norway signed recently a US$1 billion partnership to cut Indonesian emissions from deforestation and forest degradation to resist climate change.

Issue date: 
7 June, 2010

Forest Carbon Incentives in Climante Policy: Understanding the Economonics

A dimension that can greatly influence how international forest carbon policies work is the source of financing to pay for emission reductions.

Issue date: 
4 June, 2010

REDD-plus, forest people’s rights and nested climate governance

A forthcoming editorial in the journal Global Environmental Change discusses three broad principles for protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities under REDD-plus actions.

Issue date: 
May 27, 2010

George Soros bolsters global forest aid effort

OSLO,  (Reuters) – Billionaire investor George Soros  said yesterday he would guarantee $50 million to help slow  deforestation and contain climate change, bolstering Norwegian  plans for a partnership of rich and poor states to save forests.

Issue date: 
May 2010

IUCN Position Paper on REDD in Developing Countries

IUCN, June 2010 | IUCN urges Parties to reach an agreement on a REDD-plus mechanism that recognizes that avoiding greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is a necessary component of achieving deep cuts in all sources of anthropogenic emissions in order to mitigate cl

Issue date: 
May 2010


The Bonn Climate Change Talks begin today and are scheduled to conclude on Friday, 11 June 2010.

Issue date: 
June 6, 2010

Carbon sink plans sunk by stalling of emission plan

TREE-planting schemes and other carbon-offset projects could be abandoned by organisations at the end of the month, another casualty of the federal government's delayed emissions trading scheme.

Issue date: 

Government identifies pilot projects for RI, Norway deal

The government says it has identified four forests to host potential pilot projects as part of a billion-dollar agreement signed by Indonesia and Norway to protect the country's natural forests and peatlands.

Issue date: 
June 4, 2010

Land grabs meet climate policy

Very interested to see the news today that City of London police have “arrested the director of a Merseyside-based business in connection with an alleged plan to pay Liberian officials $2.5m (£1.7m) in connection

Issue date: 
25 May 2010

World Bank Approves First Climate Change Development Policy Loan


25 May 2010: The World Bank approved its first development policy loan dedicated to climate change mitigation and adaptation, in Indonesia.


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by Dr. Radut