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Issue date: 
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Reforestation vital for Africa & climate: Developer

A forest carbon developer has claimed the first validation of a reforestation project to the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS), using the opportunity to argue for what it sees as the critical role for forest planting in a sector where attention is turning very much to avoided deforestation, or REDD.

Issue date: 
Monday 25 January 2010

Using woodlands to cut emissions

The UK is one of the least forested countries in Europe. The growing maturity of UK woodlands means that carbon sequestration is falling rapidly.

Issue date: 

Kolumbien: Biosprit gefährdet Mensch und Natur

Wien (pte/27.01.2010/12:50) -

Issue date: 

Malaysia to sign FLEGT agreement with EU

MALAYSIA'S timber products will use the "green lane" to the European market next year, in line with the implementation of the European Union's (EU) timber trade legislation, says the EU ambassador Vincent Piket.

Malaysia is undertaking a bilateral voluntary partnership with the EU under its Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action plan to ensure that only licensed and certified timber enter the EU markets.

Issue date: 
1/15/2010 8:52:49 AM

Firms Partner to Develop Carbon Offsets From Forests in Arkansas, Missouri

SAN DIEGO - A California firm and a Missouri company are collaborating to develop carbon offsets from more than 300,000 acres of privately owned forest in the Ozarks Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri.

Issue date: 
Jan 26, 2010

Vyborgskaya Cellulose and Ekman & Co collaborate on the world's largest wood pellet plant in Russia

Moscow. Jan 26, 2010. /Lesprom Network/. Vyborgskaya Cellulose is building the world's largest wood pellet plant at its facility in Russia near the border with Finland. Production capacity will be over 900,000 tons per year.

Issue date: 
January 25, 2010

Forestry sector needs transparency to reduce risks of REDD

A new project aims to increase transparency in the forestry sector, an area long plagued by corruption and mismanagement.

The Forest Sector Transparency Report Card, launched by Global Witness, an environmental NGO, assesses 70 transparency indicators, evaluating the public availability of land use maps, logging contracts, and other forestry-related information in Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and Peru. The effort will eventually be expanded to other countries.

Issue date: 
January 25, 2010; January 26, 2010

Janette Bulkan chastised by the government of Guyana

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud of Guyana needs to make public the actual reasons why he falsely accused Janet Bulkan of reviewing Guyana’s RPP and did not object to Suriname territorial map in Washington.

Issue date: 
Monday, January 25, 2010

Momentum Building for REDD+ Global Market for Forest Carbon

Whatever else happened or didn’t happen as a result of the recent Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen, the Global community did take action on slowing the destruction of the world’s tropical forests.

Mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the EU Forest Action Plan

The mid-term evaluation of the EU Forest Action Plan was presented at the 112th meeting of the Standing Forestry Commission (11-12 December 2009). The evaluation report has recently been made available on the DG Agriculture web-site. The study contains both an inventory of the implementation of the 18 Key Actions of the EU Forest Action Plan and an evaluation of its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency. It contains recommendations for the EU Forest Action Plan in the period until 2011.


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by Dr. Radut