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Issue date: 
30th April, 2012

Study about climate change impacts on forests completed

To offset the effects of climatic change and global warming in the country, the Pakistan Forests Institute (PFI), Peshawar has completed a comprehensive study to determine the climatic change scenarios in Pakistan’s various ecological zones and its impact on forests resources.

Issue date: 
May 3, 2012

Rebirth Control: Lessons Learned from 90 Years of Rainforest Regeneration

There are macaques everywhere—climbing on the rocks, grooming one another as they sit on the forest floor. Others have babies on their backs as they trot along at a fair clip.

Issue date: 
May 03, 2012

Eucalyptus developer begins final field trial

FuturaGene, a genetic research and development firm focused on enhancing the eucalyptus tree, has been granted approval to begin a fourth field trial of its genetically modified eucalyptus tree in Brazil.  

Issue date: 
April 3, 2012

CANADA: The most experienced country in sustainable forest management!

The global rate of deforestation has begun to decline in recent years, but each year, an area of forest the size of Costa Rica, approximately 50,000 sq km, is still destroyed, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

Issue date: 
10 April 2012

Thirty Years of Sustainable Forest Management in Africa

As a contribution to the commemoration of the UN International Year of Forests (2011), the United Nations Forum on Forests commissioned the publication of a book entitled "Forests for People" which contains submissions from key institutions and professionals that are making important contribution

Issue date: 
20 April 2012

Australian REDD #Fail in Indonesia's Kalimantan forests

The $100 million dollar scheme was launched in 2007, but nearly five years on, less than a third of that amount has been committed and the projects targets have been drastically reduced.

Issue date: 
12 Apr 2012

Sustainable Forest Management - Case Studies

The book collects original case studies from 12 different countries i

Issue date: 
April 11, 2012

Sappi Strives to Take the Guilt Out of Paper

Sappi Fine Paper North America has released eQ Journal 004, an in-depth look at sustainable forestry.

Issue date: 
11th April 2012

HIMADA: Litmus test for REDD that is bearing fruit

Hifadhi Mapafu ya Dar es Salaam (HIMADA), which means conserve the lungs of Dar es Salaam is one of the nine Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) pilot projects implemented in Tanzania.

Issue date: 
17 April 2012

Forester slams sustainable forest management claims

Claims of sustainable management of Guyana’s forests made by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment are false even for one of the best-known timbers, says John Palmer, a Senior Associate of the Forest Management Trust.


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by Dr. Radut