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External News

Issue date: 
April 5th, 2012

Allowed harvest levels on Haida Gwaii cut in half

There is a new joint council, called the Haida Gwaii Management Council, that has been established between the Haida and the British Columbia government to govern the forest management of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands).

Issue date: 
April 5, 2012

Wood pellet exports from the US and Canada to Europe reached a record high

Wood pellet exports from the US and Canada to Europe reached arecord high in the 4Q/11 thanks to increased demand in the United Kingdom, reports the North American Wood FiberReview

Issue date: 
April 5, 2012

Sino-Forest Common Shares to be Delisted from Toronto Stock Exchange

TORONTO, April 5, 2012 /CNW/ - Sino-Forest Corporation ("Sino-Forest" or the "Company") (TSX:TRE) announced today that the Continued Listings Committee of the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"

Issue date: 

Better Forest Data Lends Confidence to Carbon Markets

A study published in Nature Climate Change this week measured both the biomass of different types of tropical forests and the emissions lost via deforestation, providing more accurate data than was previously

Issue date: 
06 February 2012

Timber industry notes drought losses

Jan. 19, 2012 - According to the Texas Forestry Service, East Texas has an abundance of forestland. Individual East Texans own about 64 percent of the forestland, with Timber Investment Management Organizations, forest industry and government owning the rest.

Issue date: 
February 9, 2012

Satellite images to be used in mapping forests in Fiji

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) has embarked on a program to build capacity in mapping land/forest cover in Fiji using very high resolution satellite images, according to SPC Regional Community Forester Jalesi Mateboto on Thursday.

Issue date: 
February 18, 2012

Life outside of impeachment trials

Many of us are wondering: what is the latest on the total log ban? All the stakeholders involved here have been quiet, and the newspapers can’t get enough of the current impeachment proceedings.

Issue date: 
19 February 2012

Guyana’s sustainable forestry use gains int’l recognition – Ghana forestry team visits

A Technical team from Ghana visiting Guyana met with Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud to learn more about its Chainsaw Milling Project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Forestry Training Centre Inc., with oversight by the Guyana’s Forestry Commiss

Issue date: 

Celestial Green Ventures to create 30 clean-tech jobs in Dublin

Celestial Green Ventures, a Dublin-based sustainable forestry development company, is preparing to create 30 new jobs, as a result of the global growth in green investments.

Ireland's Green IFSC initiative has welcomed the news.

Issue date: 

Zeit reif für Holzhochhäuser

Seit zehn Jahren gibt es an der Innsbrucker Universität einen Lehrstuhl für Holzbau. Bei Einfamilienhäusern hat sich die Holzbauweise in vielen Bereichen durchgesetzt, laut den Wissenschaftlern sei die Zeit für mehrstöckige Gebäude reif.


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by Dr. Radut