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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
Monday 12 April

Confidential document reveals Obama's hardline US climate talk strategy

Document outlines key messages the Obama administration wants to convey in the run-up to UN climate talks in Mexico in November.

Issue date: 
April 15, 2010

Liberia to Submit REDD Readiness Plans

On Friday, April 3, 2010, several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and donor partners including the World Bank and the United Sates Agency for International Development (USAID) gathered at a workshop organized by the Action Against Climate Change (AACC) Liberia.

Issue date: 
April 12, 2010

GHANA: Beware of Donors' eagerness to show quick results

Experts are skeptical as to how fast and easy it will be to implement REDD-Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation-in a country like Ghana, where REDD is essentially an issue of forest governance.  

Issue date: 
April 2010


While governments are spending millions trying to tackle carbon emissions, one entrepreneur is getting right to the root of the problem. Erik Jaques reports.

Issue date: 
April 8th, 2010

CRS — Deforestation and Climate Change

Efforts to mitigate climate change have focused on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere.

Issue date: 
Thursday 8 April 2010

Learning by doing: practical approaches to REDD-plus

Despite the virtual failure of the Copenhagen UN climate conference to come to a global agreement, the discussion on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD-plus) has continued with force.

Issue date: 
9 April 2010

REDD After Copenhagen: The way forward

This paper analyizes the outcomes of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP-15) held in December 2009 in the area of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in developing countries.

Issue date: 
9 April 2010

Organizational Issues in Spotlight as Climate Talks Resume in Bonn

Delegates to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have gathered in Bonn, Germany, for the first meeting since Copenhagen.  This three-day meeting, however, is more about process than product.  Ecosystem Marketplace drops in for a quick look at the negotiations.

Issue date: 
April 4, 2010

LCDS: Stepping-stone to a global forest-carbon market!

In last week’s column I made a digression to deal with a few issues raised by Ambassador Brattskar, head of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative and the lead negotiator for the Norwegian government as they were reported in the Stabroek News, (March 21, 2010).

Issue date: 
28 March 2010

Nestle Waters (Vittel): Carbon offsetting programmes in Peru

Nestle Waters France wants to offset emissions from its factories in the west by buying trees in a rainforest thousands of miles away..


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by Dr. Radut