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Issue date: 
28th July 2011

Mondi to settle KZN land claims over the next two years, posts higher earnings

Paper and packaging group Mondi aims to settle all its land restitution claims in KwaZulu-Natal over the next two years, with 33 claims still outstanding, CEO David Hathorn said on Thursday.

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

Six new countries join UN REDD programme

Climate Connect News, London, 14 July 2011: The number of member nations in the UN REDD programme has now reached 35.

Issue date: 

Macquarie's Carbon Forestry Funding Welcomed by FRA

Seattle, WA, July 15, 2011 -- Australia’s Macquarie Group has announced that it has raised A$25 million for its range of new forest carbon projects in developing countries, which it is undertaking with the World Bank and Global Forest Partners LP.

Forestry Research Associates (FRA), a research and advisory consultancy, has welcomed the news of the new carbon projects as another major move towards helping reduce deforestation in the world’s poorer nations.

Issue date: 
12 July 2011

ASIA: Indigenous people gain greater forest rights

JAKARTA, 12 July 2011 (IRIN) - More and more Asian governments are giving indigenous people greater control over their natural resources and habitat in a bid to stem deforestation, a new report states.

Issue date: 
29 May 2011

Implementation and opportunity costs of reducing deforestation and forest degradation in Tanzania

The Cancún Agreements provide strong backing for a REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) mechanism whereby developed countries pay developing ones for forest conservation

Issue date: 
July 20, 2011

What does REDD+ really cost?

What does REDD+ cost? At least since the influential Stern Review was published in 2006, many have argued that REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) is one of the cheapest options to mitigate climate change.

Issue date: 
July 19, 2011

First projects acess the GEF Incentive Mechanism for Forests

July 19, 2011, Washington DC - The GEF Incentive Mechanism for Forests moves into a new phase with the first four projects, recently approved by the Council, that access the incentive funds available for SFM/REDD-plus projects.

Issue date: 
22. Juli 2011

Increasing demand for verification and certification services creates business opportunities

California-based Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) announced that they will be setting up an office in Jakarta in direct response to an increasing demand for verification and certification services from the Indonesian timber industry.

PT Scientific Certification Systems Indonesia (PT-SCS), as it will be known, will offer services in Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification and Forest Management Certification, in Indonesia.

Issue date: 
Jul 21, 2011

Indonesians Await Forest Tenure Reform

SESAOT, Indonesia, Jul 21, 2011 (IPS) - Barbecue fires along the winding trail through the Sesaot forest reserve act as guides for delegates walking to an international forestry conference at a nearby beach resort.

The delicate aroma of skewered dices of meat roasting over open fires wafts over the trail. Women, assisted by their children, are doing brisk business selling the ‘satay’ to the visitors.

Issue date: 
July 18, 2011

Taking stock of trade and the planet’s woodlands in the International Year of Forests

Forests provide vital resources to humanity, both directly in the form of timber and non-timber products and indirectly in the form of ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon storage, and soil and watershed management.


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by Dr. Radut