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Issue date: 
Dec 3, 2010

Mexican foresters invoke less destructive logging

NOH-BEC, Mexico, Dec 3 (Reuters) - Community leaders managing a fragment of ancient Mexican jungle say their approach to logging precious hardwoods protects rare jaguar and may guide nearby U.N. climate talks seeking a forest blueprint.

Issue date: 
December 2010

Financing sustainable small-scale forestry

Policy issues and lessons from developing national forest financing strategies in Latin America

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia

Issue date: 
December 2010

Co-Benefits of Sustainable Forest Management in Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration


Issue date: 
December 3, 2010

The forest industry saved Sweden from the financial crisis

But the question is whether the Swedish economy can rely on the forest ahead?

Issue date: 
December 4, 2010

Wikileak document reveal how the Russia's Forest Mafia operates

The US cables reveal the problem with illegally harvesting and how Chinese and Russian logging companies operates. According to the cables smugglers use different methods to illicitly export illegal  timber, most of which are able to pass through customs inspections and established border cro

REDD+: The war over forests - all against all

One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering!

Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests.

Issue date: 
November 2010

REDD-plus Finance

Seven major bilateral and multilateral funding initiatives have recently been created to support the new concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.

Issue date: 
November 29, 2010

Tree fungus – 4,700 acres to be felled

Seven square miles of woodland are to be wiped from the West landscape as the battle to control a virulent tree-killing fungus intensifies.

Issue date: 

Brazil forest concession area exceeds 1m hectares

More than one million hectares of prime Amazon Rainforest land in Brazil has been made available for a programme of forestry concessions, according to the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB).

The area involved in the programme is spread over seven areas within the states of Rondonia and Pará, and is estimated to have a total potential timber production value of approximately 850,000 cubic metres every year.

Issue date: 
November 30, 2010

Três Lagoas will host the two largest pulp mills in the world

Brazilian Valonline reports today that Marcelo Castelli, director at Fibria Cellulose SA with eucalyptus plantings in the city Três Lagoas (In the state Mato Groso de Sul) will maintain the schedule for opening of the second line of factory in 2014.


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by Dr. Radut