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Issue date: 
29 January 2010

Fink's green fund hires for agriculture investment

Earth Capital Partners, the green alternatives fund manager founded by Stanley Fink, has hired three executives to focus on sustainable

Issue date: 
Thu, 28/01/2010 - 14:06

Earth Capital Partners hires sustainable agriculture and forestry team

Earth Capital Partners, a private equity firm focused on renewable energy, has hired a sustainable agriculture and forestry investment team from IBIS Capital Management and EMP Global.

Forestry decline threatens power plants


Forestry decline threatens power plants...

To get an idea of the problems:

Bad harvesting operations

Example of really bad forest operations management

What's the bad?

Canadian timber hauling

Responsible, dilligent and painstalking timber transport in the Canadian West...

China on the move

China on the move -- Meeting environmental challenges


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by Dr. Radut