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REDD+ resources

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation plus Sustainable Forest Management


Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is seen to be a key factor to REDD+►►


Definition of SFM by UN + FAO: A/RES/62/98►►

Definition of SFM by UNFF: Sustainable forest management as a dynamic and evolving concept aims to maintain and enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests, for the benefit of present and future generations

Definition of SFM by CIFOR: Managing  (permanent) forest  to achieve one or more clearly specified objectives of management with regard to the production of a continuous flow of desired forest products and services (e.g. carbon) without undue reduction of its inherent values and future productivity and without undue undesirable effects on the physical and social environment►►


SFM, according to internationally agreed language, is a dynamic and evolving concept that aims to maintain and enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests, for the benefit of future generations.


Want to read more about Sustainable Forest Management? Follow this link►

REDD+ Governance

At national, regional and local level as well as for state owned and private owned land and forests

FAO | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

The Forestry Department of FAO and the National Forest Programme Facility have initiated a joint effort to assist countries address emerging policy issues related to forests and climate change through integrating climate change considerations into national forest programmes. 

Norway News English | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Audits finally conducted of Norway’s foreign aid to Tanzania revealed irregularities and corruption, but critics claim Norwegian officials reacted much too mildly. The Foreign Ministry (Utenriksdepartementet, UD) appears to have been reluctant to take up difficult questions with Tanzanian...

EFD | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

REDD offers potentially huge financial benefits for Tanzania. According to a draft national strategy for this forest carbon trading system, based on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the country could earn $630 million a year. Yet researchers from Environment for...


REDD+ Capacity building

At all stages from indigenous people, local communities to individual forest owners

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Conversely though, if well designed and implemented REDD has the potential to improve the livelihoods of forest-dependent people. It could prompt governments to clarify and formalise land tenure, enabling forest communities to benefit from payments and incentives for forest conservation.

Eurekalert | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

//--> LONDON (22 January 2010)—As environmental and political leaders struggle to determine how to move forward from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a new report by an international coalition of top forest organizations


REDD+ Technical Support

From national carbon inventory to national land use planning...


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by Dr. Radut