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overseas shipping

Issue date: 
January 17, 2013

Forests minister launches boost for timber industry at Victoria convention

In a bid to spur timber harvesting on the coast, the provincial government announced it will look at new technology for scaling logs, fast-track the auction of an additional 500,000 cubic metre of timber and make improvements to the log-export system.

Issue date: 
November 28th, 2012

NZ log exports up in latest trade summary

New Zealand chalked up its third monthly trade deficit in October, repeating last year’s pattern, as shipments of dairy products fell and imports rose.

Issue date: 

Canada records forestry export boost

Canada has seen a massive surge in demand for exports of its forestry products, particularly in the Far East.

Issue date: 
International Forest Industries

Research progress on export log treatment - NZ

University of Canterbury researchers have made a breakthrough in treating export logs by heating them using high voltage electricity. Export logs are usually fumigated to rid the timber of pests, such as insects and fungi which could pose a biosecurity threat.

Issue date: 
August 24th, 2012

Shipping rates fall for Kiwi exporters

Falling shipping rates are boosting returns on exports and are providing some offset to the high New Zealand dollar. The Baltic Dry Index has fallen 41% compared with this time last month. It is also 39% lower than where it was one year ago.

Issue date: 
August 15th, 2012

FPAC urging Canada to deepen economic ties with China

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is urging the Canadian Government to follow through on the conclusion of the Canada-China Economic Complementarities Study which states that Canada and China should continue to strengthen their bilater

Issue date: 
May 29, 2012

Indian coffee company will not set up main processing plant here

The Indian coffee company which was given a forestry concession to mainly carry out value added activities has said that its main plant will in fact be in India and not Guyana. This raises concerns that the company will continue to export logs out of Guyana.

Issue date: 
17 April 2012

Forester slams sustainable forest management claims

Claims of sustainable management of Guyana’s forests made by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment are false even for one of the best-known timbers, says John Palmer, a Senior Associate of the Forest Management Trust.

Issue date: 
April 12, 2012

China to Surpass Japan as the World's Largest Hardwood Chip Importer by 2014

Chinese hardwood chip imports will double from 6.3 million Bone Dry Metric Tons (BDMT) in 2011, to 12.7 million BDMT in 2016. Japan's imports of hardwood chips will drop from 9.9 million BDMT to 8.6 million BDMT in the same period, the lowest volume of imports since 1993.

Issue date: 
March 14th, 2012

Growing criticism of B.C.’s raw log exports

British Columbia‘s Forest Minister Steve Thomson has rejected the recommendations his own Timber Export Advisory Committee dozens of times in the past 3 months, resulting in millions of dollars worth of raw logs being sent to Asia


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by Dr. Radut