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Young New Zealander forging ahead with biodegradable pots

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:19
Wellington, New Zealand student Elisa Harley is making strides in conservation with her innovative biodegradable plant pots, thanks to the support of researchers and commercialisation expert sat Scion. Source: Timberbiz Ms Harley, the 17-year-old founder of Enivo Pots, is working to develop pots made from underutilised primary industry waste, aiming to replace the 350 million plastic plant pots used annually in New Zealand. Ms Harley’s journey began at the age of 13 when she became aware of the environmental issues surrounding plastic waste in gardening. Her commitment to finding a solution led her to start Enivo Pots, a company dedicated to producing biodegradable plant pots that can be planted directly into the ground. However, turning this vision into reality required more than just determination; it needed technical support and resources, which she found at Scion. Scion’s involvement with Ms Harley started with Zoom calls with science leaders followed by a half-day visit to Scion in July 2023. In January this year, she visited Scion for three days to begin the first run of prototyping. She trialled different formulations for her pots and tested their performance after hand-moulding printed sheets around glass beakers. Elisa returned to Scion in April – this time using the Benchtop Fibre Former to form the pot shape using a preferred formulation. She worked with a number of researchers including Kelly Wade, Sean Taylor, Karl Molving and PhD student Emma Gobes to produce 115 pots. These will now undergo nursery trials to evaluate their performance in real-life conditions. These trials are essential for understanding how the pots function and for planning the next steps in scaling up production. Ms Harley’s progress has been impressive, and she is currently exploring options for up sizing the pots and increasing production. This involves considering investment requirements and potential sites both within New Zealand and internationally. Throughout this process, Ms Harley has found herself in meetings with commercial lawyers, patent experts, scientists, and commercialisation specialists, gaining valuable insights into the complexities of bringing an innovative product to market. Commercialisation associate Doug Hillyer is supporting Ms Harley as she builds a business case for investment. “We’ve been really encouraging Elisa to think about what success would look like for her, how big she’d like to scale things, and support her to wrap some numbers around it. “With any commercialisation project, there’s a lot to consider when you’re wanting to take an innovative product to market. But Elisa is diligently working through all the steps and taking everything on board. It’s been a pleasure working with her,” he says. Her hard work has already been recognised. Last year she participated in the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme. An earlier prototype of Enivo Pots won The Todd Foundation Award for third place, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment Award, and the Ministry for Primary Industries Award. This led to Ms Harley to being honoured as the 2023 Youth Wellingtonian of the Year. She continues to present her innovative pots at various platforms. In July she will be speaking in Rotorua at the Residues2Revenues conference, an event that highlights emerging opportunities in the forestry sector to transform wood residues into high-value renewable products. Reflecting on her journey, Ms Harley emphasises the invaluable support from Scion. “What people are doing is so impactful, and I am so appreciative of how, by supporting me with their time and expertise, they are investing in my future. The connections I’m making are so valuable.” Scion portfolio leader for Distributed and Circular Manufacturing Marc Gaugler says Ms Harley’s journey is a testament to the power of collaboration. “It’s exciting to see young innovators want to make things happen. She’s identified a real-world waste problem and considered why solutions may have not worked in the past. “She hasn’t been afraid to investigate something again and use a slightly different approach to make it successful. By taking regional feedstocks and creating a specialised product, she’s paving the way for a more sustainable future for New Zealand.”

T3 Collingwood wins award with the last of Vic hardwood timber

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:18
A 15-storey office tower, with a six-star energy rating, manufactured in Heyfield has won the Australian Institute of Architects 2024 Vic Chapter Awards – Commercial Architecture category. Source: Timberbiz The striking T3 Collingwood building claims the title of Australia’s tallest timber building and includes 10 levels of mass timber columns and beams was proudly designed and prefabricated locally by Australian Sustainable Hardwood (ASH) in Gippsland. Praising the innovative building in state parliament after visiting the site with Australian Forest Products Association’s Richard Hyett, The Nationals, Melina Bath spoke about the importance of wood in our community, paying tribute to the expert engineering and talented workers. “The building is a masterpiece – the structural beams and columns are made from native Ash, and they are magnificent – they look and feel beautiful, you walk up, and want to touch them,” Ms Bath said. “The building is a reminder of the importance of wood in our lives and showcases what can be achieved using a naturally grown sustainable building material. “Appallingly, the building is a one off, a heart-breaking reminder of Labor’s terrible decision shut Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry. “It is one of Labor’s biggest environmental failures to shut down a Victorian hardwood industry when our state is able to engineer and create such magnificent products. “Despite countless studies showing wood construction enriches people’s lives and has a 40% reduction in embodied carbon compared to other construction materials – Labor turned its back on the industry and the thousands of regional jobs it supported. “This inspirational building stores carbon, and it was faster to assemble than conventional concrete and steel construction, with less occupational health and safety incidents.” Ms Bath offered her congratulations to the ASH team in Heyfield for its expertise in manufacturing the hardwood components for the magnificent T3 building. “I am encouraging all my eastern Victoria constituents to visit the building to marvel what is sadly the last of its kind built using Victorian hardwood timber.” The T3 Collingwood building is located at 36 Wellington Street, Collingwood or can be viewed online at https://t3collingwood.com.au/

FWPA seeks three non-executive directors

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:18
Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) is seeking to appoint three non-executive directors to its skills-based board at its next Annual General Meeting in November. Source: Timberbiz An independent Director Selection Committee established under the company’s constitution will consider proposals for candidates to be voted in by members. Innovation and collaboration are at the core of FWPA’s mission, and best achieved through diversity of experience and thinking styles. To ensure the board is well balanced, interest is sought from individuals with knowledge and experience in some or all of the following areas: Conservation and management of production forests and/or other natural resources. Forest and wood products manufacturing. Construction industries and how they use wood products in Australia and internationally. Market dynamics and competitive landscape for wood products. Leveraging industry insights to inform strategic decisions to maximise the production and utilisation of forest and wood products. Marketing and promoting forest and wood products including product promotion and retail marketing. Technology, innovation and commercialisation of research and development. Learn more about the non-executive director positions here For any questions contact Richard Evans from Talent Nation, richard@talentnation.com.au Expressions close at 11.59pm on Friday, 5th July 2024.

Labor flouts parliamentary process ignoring national park

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:17
Questions raised in state parliament on Labor’s plans to establish the Central West National Parks by The Nationals Melina Bath are now months overdue and remain unanswered. Source: Timberbiz Ms Bath who is the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Public Land Use sought an update from Labor’s Minister for Environment, Steve Dimopoulos on the status of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) report that recommended locking up 77,000 hectares of three separate state forests and turning them into national parks. Under parliament’s standing orders Minister Dimopoulos is required to provide an answer to Ms Bath within 30 days however, despite respectful requests and reminders the Minister has flouted parliamentary process. Ms Bath said bush users are undoubtedly concerned about Labor’s lock up and leave agenda for Victorian state forests. “They are also justifiably perturbed about Labor’s secrecy when it comes to its national parks plan, particularly in the case of the Central West Investigation. “VEAC’s recommendations were for the establishment of three new national parks despite 67 per cent of the 2,700 public submissions being against their establishment, it also fast tracked its closure of Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry. “Labor has consistently shown it prioritises green ideological policy to the detriment of our regional and rural communities.” In 2021 Labor accepted VEAC’s recommendations to create three new national parks. “Minister Dimopoulos refusal to provide transparency to the community shows Labor has zero regard for our bush users despite asserting “people have a right to have a say” on the national parks issue,” said Ms Bath. “There’s speculation Labor has already spent $4 million on surveys and assessments to create these new national parks, but the public is being kept in the dark. “Our bush users deserved transparent communication and an honest update on the status of the Labor government’s plans. “Bush users who love the outdoors and access our state forests deserve to know if Allan Government have accepted the VEAC report recommendations and are ignoring their views.”  

Queensland will move 12,000 hectares from state forests to national parks

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:16
Queensland’s Government will dedicate more than 12,000 hectares of land currently declared as state forest as national and conservation park. The process to dedicate the land has begun in State Parliament. Source: Timberbiz The dedication of the various areas of state forest as national park and conservation park aligns with the government’s commitment to transfer 20,000 hectares of state forest to the protected areas estate under the Native Timber Action Plan. This move will bring the total area of state forest added to the protected areas estate under the plan to just over 13,000ha. The land being protected includes: around 843 hectares of Jimna State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Wrattens National Park, supporting several threatened species including the tusked frog, glossy black-cockatoo and koala. around 657 hectares of Peachester State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Glass House Mountains Conservation Park, containing core koala habitat and providing significant ecological and recreational values for the broader community. around 6,462 hectares of Squirrel Creek State Forest for dedication as the new Squirrel Creek National Park, containing endangered and of-concern regional ecosystems and riverine wetlands that provide important habitat for vulnerable species including the plumed frogmouth and black-breasted button-quail. around 479 hectares Bellthorpe State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Bellthorpe National Park, forming part of a bioregional corridor containing important lowland forest ecosystems and including habitat for species of conservation significance including the tusked frog, koala and cascade treefrog. two areas totalling 1,119 hectares of Beerburrum West State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Glass House Mountains National Park, providing connectivity and management benefits for the protected area estate in the Sunshine Coast. It also contains significant conservation values including habitat for species such as the glossy black-cockatoo and tusked frog. around 100 hectares of Deer Reserve State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Deer Reserve Conservation Park, containing significant conservation values including the presence of koala and rib-fruited malletwood. around 212 hectares of Elgin Vale State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Wrattens National Park, containing an of-concern regional ecosystem that will increase protection of habitat suitable for several threatened species including the koala. around 119 hectares of Luttons State Forest for dedication as part of the exiting Glass House Mountains Conservation Park, containing significant conservation values including the Coochin Hills grevillea and habitat for threatened fauna such as the central greater glider and koala. around 576 hectares of Yabba State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Wrattens National Park, supporting several threatened species including the tusked frog, glossy black-cockatoo and koala. around 289 hectares Delaneys Creek State Forest for dedication as the new Delaneys Creek Conservation Park, forming part of a bioregional corridor that contains habitat for unique flora and fauna including the hairy hazelwood and Richmond birdwing butterfly. In addition to this, the following other areas of state forest will be dedicated under the Yurol Ringtail Conservation Project: around 479 hectares of Yurol State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Tewantin National Park, which will enhance the natural ecosystems and deliver conservation and recreational opportunities for the community, including providing habitat for koalas. around 889 hectares of Ringtail State Forest for dedication as part of the existing Tewantin National Park, which will enhance the natural ecosystems and deliver conservation and recreational opportunities for the community, including providing habitat for koalas. “The Miles Labor Government is doing what matters for Queenslanders, protecting and expanding areas of high environmental importance across the state,” Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Leanne Linard said. “Dedicating more than 12,000 hectares of state forest as national and conservation parks reflects our government’s proactive approach to environmental protection. “This includes affording protection to our famous and threatened species, unique cultural heritage, ensuring vital forest resources are managed sustainably, offering unforgettable tourism experiences and providing Queenslanders with their most treasured recreational opportunities. “Our protected are estate is a major contributor to Queensland’s economic prosperity and growing our protected are estate is essential for not just the environment but also the economy.”  

Tree breeding growth in Mount Gambier

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:15
  Tree Breeding Australia in Mount Gambier is set to continue to grow as a leader in Australia’s forestry genetics research with thanks to funding committed by the State Government. Source: Timberbiz The SA Government and Tree Breeding Australia has announced a jointly funded $900,000 nationally significant, purpose-built and dedicated research facility at Kilsby Road, Mount Gambier, that is set to genetically improve plantation trees to increase productivity and protect against biosecurity threats. “TBA manages the national cooperative tree improvement programs for radiata pine (softwood) and blue gum (hardwood) plantations and provides scientific expertise and genetic valuation on crops to ensure our foresters are planting the best genetically blessed trees, which in the long-term increases forestry productivity and the supply of wood-fibre to both domestic and international markets,” Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Forest Products Association Nathan Paine said. “Growing plantations isn’t just about planting a tree, watering it, and watching it grow – plantation health and resilience is a major priority for the forestry sector and Tree Breeding Australia, and without TBA’s expertise and valuable input to improve tree genetics, our forest and timber industries would be years behind in innovation and adaption. “Over the last two years Forestry Minister Clare Scriven and the South Australian Government have invested significantly into the States forestry sector, particularly through the establishment of a Forestry Centre of Excellence, the development of a Wood Fibre and Timber Industry Master Plan, and now the funding needed to deliver Tree Breeding Australia’s research facility expansion. “Mount Gambier is nationally recognised as a softwood manufacturing hub and is now fast becoming a premier hub of forestry innovation, and we are so pleased to have the Government, industry and stakeholders supporting the future innovation of the forest and timber industries.” TBA board chairperson Dr Andrew Jacobs told The Border Watch the genetic resource was really important moving forward for the resilience and the productivity of industrial plantations present in both Mount Gambier/Berrin and nationally. “This is a centre which caters for members all over the country, not just in the Green Triangle, so it is a really important national investment that has been made here,” Mr Jacobs said. “This piece of infrastructure will go on the ground and enable the staff to better be able to undertake the job and be able to do it in a safer space.” He said staff would be able to collect tissues from the trees, extracting and go about their work all in one facility. “It is a needed piece of infrastructure for the organisation and it is really important for not only the Mount Gambier forestry industry but the Australian industry more broadly,” Mr Jacobs said. “This is a member-based organisation and we have been trying to work out a way of funding a piece of infrastructure for a number of years. “It is very hard to get members to contribute to fund infrastructure so having the South Australian government come out and support us is really important.” He said the project had been in the pipeline for about a decade with members trying to secure grants and other funding streams. “It has been a long process, so I am super grateful for it to get here today. “This will enable us to focus on the genetics that have been deployed into the plantations as so many of the plantations in Australia will experience change in terms of climate conditions. “All of the material which is in here today and the infrastructure that will be built in the not-too-distant future will help us continue to improve the genetics of the plantation trees that are being deployed and this is really important for the resilience and sustainability for the ongoing productivity of timber.”  

Join AFCA’s online letter of support for native timber harvesting in NSW

Australian timber industry news - Mi, 19/06/2024 - 02:12
An online letter is being circulated by the Australian Forest Contractors Association (AFCA) aimed at sending a message to NSW MPs in support of native timber harvesting. Source: Timberbiz It follows the standing down without notice of 15 operations in NSW on May 27 as a result of rule changes by the NSW EPA. Forestry Corporation NSW stood down 15 operations – 11 operations in the north of the state and four in the south following a NSW Environment Protection Authority order which requires a 25-metre logging exclusion zone around any tree in which a Greater Glider is spotted. Changes have also been made to how nocturnal search and surveys must be conducted, including that a first transect must be undertaken within 30 minutes of sunset to increase the likelihood of seeing gliders leaving their dens. During the past few months AFCA has been engaging Timber NSW in an ongoing campaign to build support for the native timber harvesting industry. In a note to members AFCA general manager Tim Lester says support is again needed to send a loud message to the NSW state government MPs by email. The letter covers the stand downs due to the Southern Greater Glider protocol altered without notice by the EPA. It addresses the lack of payment to contractors and no payment to haulage companies and drivers. Then it addresses the short supply to mills. The theme is they all get paid – MPs, public service, FCNSW and EPA but the industry is left hanging. The system will only require you to click on the link below, fill in your name and address and an email address and press submit. That will then send to all members of parliament in NSW except The Greens. https://timbernsw.tiny.us/GG2024


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by Dr. Radut