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July 2010

Issue date: 
13 July 2010

Liberia to Choose between Logging and future Climate Revenue

Trucks loaded with undressed timber are on the move again around Buchanan in Grand Bassa county, south-east Liberia.

The dust recalls the not-so-distant time when the timber trade was synonymous with war.

Liberia's rainforests are being primed as a lucrative and legal industry. Electronic tags allow consumers to trace the end-product right back to the stump. Photograph: Glenna Gordon/AFP/Getty Images

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

What’s Next for Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on Forests?

In May 2010, Norway agreed to contribute up to $1 billion towards reducing deforestation and forest degradation and loss of peatland in Indonesia, which now account for more than 80 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The “Letter of Intent” is a promising first step, yet the two countries must still settle key details of the agreement. Below is WRI’s analysis of the Letter of Intent and recommendations for what should be addressed next.

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

Degraded Land, Sustainable Palm Oil, and Indonesia’s Future

A new policy to develop oil palm on degraded land could protect Indonesia’s forests. But what does “degraded” really mean?

Issue date: 
July 10, 2010

CIFOR Publishes Study on Forest Law Enforcement and REDD in Guyana


The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), a member of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR), with funding from the Norwegian Government, has published a study on forest law enforcement and governance, and forest practices in Guyana.

Issue date: 
10 Jul 2010

Amazongate: At last we reach the source

Fire in the Amazon, it turns out, was not a 'report' or a scientific paper but, as the WWF now acknowledges, a text published by IPAM? on its website in 1999
Issue date: 
8 July 2010

National Technical Committee on REDD Inaugurated

National Technical Committee on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) has been inaugurated. While inaugurating the   committee members, Minister of Environment, Mr.

Issue date: 
13 July 2010

Businesses 'profit from investing in nature'

Businesses can and should take a key role in stemming biodiversity loss around the world, a report concludes.

The latest report from The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Teeb) project argues that many sectors have a stake in protecting nature.

Issue date: 
Jul. 09, 2010

For mill towns, China beckons

Pine trunks rumble down conveyors and sawdust clouds the air. The noise inside the sawmill nearly deafens, but in this remote town of 3,500 people, some 700 kilometres north of Vancouver, there are few sounds as welcome as the buzz and clatter of a mill back at work.

All that glistens is not REDD+

“Put the buzzwords deforestation, degradation, indigenous people and local communities, stakeholder process and carbon inventory in the terms of reference of your next forests based project and you can classify this project as a REDD+ project!”

Issue date: 
Jul 12, 2010

European Parliament votes to cut illegal timber out of the EU market

The European Parliament has voted in favour of legislation banning illegally logged timber imports into the European Union. The new legislation bans illegally-harvested timber or timber products from being placed on the EU market. This will prevent such wood from effectively being laundered once it reaches the EU. Currently, at least 20% of timber and timber products reaching the EU market is estimated to come from illegal sources.


by Dr. Radut