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January 2011

Issue date: 
13 January 2011

Netherlands debates recognition of MTCS

Issue date: 
January 13, 2011

Poor B.C. logging practices 'add to gas emissions'

Massive emissions of greenhouse gases are coming from B.C.'s coastal forests because of poor logging practices and inadequate management, according to a new report by environmentalists.

Issue date: 
January 20th, 2011

Reporting REDD+: a journalist's guide

Reporting REDD+: a journalist's guide to the role of forests in combating global climate change


Issue date: 
January 12, 2011

AF&PA Applauds EPA’s Important First Step to Reaffirm the Carbon Neutrality of Biomass

WASHINGTON, USA, Jan 12, 2011 – American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Donna Harman today issued the following statement regarding EPA’s decision to delay regulation of CO2 emissions from biomass under the Clean Air Act pending further study.

Issue date: 
January 17, 2011


UPM has selected Rauma as the possible location for a biorefinery in Finland. Rauma was chosen ahead of Kuusankoski for two key reasons: more
efficient energy utilisation, and lower investment costs e.g. in foundation work. UPM has not yet made an investment decision on building a

Issue date: 
January 18, 2011

Are environmental campaigns misleading the public?


Issue date: 
18 January 2011

Nijpels Meubelen: Furniture from sustainably managed forests

From today, Nijpels Meubelen B.V., the largest producer of ready-to-assemble furniture in The Netherlands, will be using the PEFC label on its products. On 12 January it was issued with a PEFC chain of custody certificate, enabling Nijpels Meubelen to demonstrate that their products have been manufactured using timber that has originated from sustainably managed forests as approved by the PEFC scheme.

Issue date: 
18 January 2011

Two Sides reports anti-Greenwash success

18 January 2011, London, UK – Two Sides has achieved measurable success from its national campaign to educate major UK corporate companies such as Banks & Building Societies, Utilities and Telecoms about using misleading or factually incorrect environmental claims in their marketing message to promote lower cost electronic billing and services.

Issue date: 
January 18, 2011

U.S. Arbitration Filing Questions Impact of Beetle Attack, BCLTC Claims


Issue date: 
13 Jan 2011

Global Insider: Subnational Cooperation on Climate Change

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed an agreement with his counterparts in Acre, Brazil and Chiapas, Mexico, to cooperate on efforts to counter climate change.


by Dr. Radut