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January 2011

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Government of Canada Invests in Nova Scotia's Renewable Energy Projects

NEW GLASGOW, NOVA SCOTIA,Canada, Jan 21, 2011 —The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Member of Parliament for Central Nova, today announced three new investments worth $43 million that support renewable and clean energy projects across Nova Scotia. This is part of the Government’s action to improve economic and environmental performance, and support high-quality jobs.

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Natura 2000 network further expanded - a good day for salmon, otters and beech forests

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Russia provides 1/3 of timber import in China

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Munsee Delaware Nation secures funding for accredited forestry program

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2011

Canada loses another round in the softwood lumber dispute

The London Court of International Arbitration tribunal has ruled that Canada breached its obligations under the anti-circumvention provisions of the Softwood Lumber Agreement and determined compensatory export measures to remedy the breach.

Issue date: 
January 13, 2011

VCS Approves Fourth REDD Methodology

Thursday 13 January 2011 – WASHINGTON – A new methodology for crediting projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) was approved for use under the VCS Program Thursday. Developed by environmental consultancy Wildlife Works Carbon, the methodology is the fourth new REDD methodology approved by VCS.

Issue date: 
January 2011

Stewardship Agreements to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Indonesia

January 2011: The ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins has released a policy brief that describes efforts to reduce conflicts over who controls forests and forest margins.The brief, titled "Stewardship Agreements to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Indo

Issue date: 
17 Jan, 2011

Alternative way to sustain the forests

IF you hear the term sustainable forestry, you may well associate it with tree plantations.

Issue date: 

Project Plan for Building Capacity in Sustainable Forest Management Planning Signed

Damascus – Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry signed on Wednesday the project plan for building capacity in sustainable forest management planning.

Issue date: 
12 January, 2011

Climate Change Committee to discuss sustainable forestry and carbon off-setting

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food with special responsibility for Fisheries and Forestry Sean Connick, TD, will discuss sustainable forestry and forest carbon sequestration with the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security t


by Dr. Radut