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September 2011

Issue date: 
September 25, 2011

B.C. should use policy, not dollars, in carbon fight

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, natural gas prices were high and many major gas consumers worried that continued high prices posed serious risks to future profitability.

Issue date: 

Seven Norwegian MPs in Tanzania to learn about climate change

Issue date: 
September 21, 201

Benefit Sharing Mechanisms for REDD+ in Kenya : exploring the options

The last of the Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) seminar series was presented by Audrey Chenevoy from Institut Superieur d’Agriculture (ISA) in France. She is working with others within the ASB Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins to further ICRAF’s work on the REDD+ Program. In the last 5 months, she has been exploring Benefit Sharing Mechanism (BSM) options for REDD+ in Kenya.

Issue date: 
September 26, 2011

Brazil Shares Lessons with Africa on Incentives for Sustainable Forestry Management

Providing Country(ies): Brazil
Issue date: 
September 25th, 2011

Southern Leyte farmers show how to manage forests

One day in April, Florentino Saludo led a team of 19 men in trekking through the forest of Sitio Canlugoc in Lunas, Maasin, Southern Leyte, with a mission in mind: to cut trees.

Issue date: 
23 September 2011

Country Is Hosting a Consultation and Capacity Building Workshop On

South Africa is hosting a consultation and capacity-building workshop under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+), with a focus on biodiversity safeguards.

Issue date: 
September 26, 2011

Forest Carbon in Ghana

This report provides insight into Ghanaian statutory and case law and its potential implications for REDD+.

Issue date: 
September 20, 2011

When a Lie Comes to Life

Douglas Sheil and I launched CoFCCloT in August 2011.  A Google search for CoFCCloT results in 138,000 hits just now.  Not bad for an organization that doesn’t exist.

Issue date: 
September 26, 2011

Avoiding deforestation in the context of biofuel feedstock expansion

Issue date: 
September 22, 2011

Face the Future rainforest rehabilitation project in Uganda achieves VCS registration

ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS (September 22, 2011) -  Soon after registration of the first tropical Improved Forest Management project in  threatened Orangutan habitat in Sabah, Borneo, Face the Future has registered yet another” first” of  its kind forestry project under the Verified Carbon Standard. The project is located in the Kibale National Park in Uganda, home to one of  the largest Chimpanzee populations in the world.


by Dr. Radut