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BONN 2011: REDD+ status and results achieved so far

Duly to yearly climate change negotiations on technical level in Bonn, Germany some stakeholders have published their view on the state of negotiations. Below you will find some interesting excerpt of documentes published so far:


1. There is good paper from Carbon TradeWatch describing the key players in REDD+ negotiations.

Are UK companies keen on contributing to sustainable forestry?

Last weekend (4.2.2011/5.2.2011) we had been witnesses of some interesting information campaign in the UK:

IUFRO came up with a new report on REDD


IUFRO came up with a new study about REDD. It's an impressive pack of information and a lots of background info.

And of course people immediately started to interpret their own thoughts and ideas on the "results" of this study.

Here is an overview of what people are reading out of the study:

REDD+: The war over forests - all against all

One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering!

Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests.

CBD wants to shut down half of forestry and agriculture areas

"The negotiations went right down to the wire, but after three weeks of haggling they got a deal on Friday night. The most important target set by the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 will increase the area of protected land in the world – no farming or grazing, no forestry – from 12.5% to 17%." read more here

Let's see how this will be handled. Hopefully the idea is not to transform those 60 Million people who live in and from forests to caretakers of parkways (and to paupers)...

Biodiversity conference silences REDD+ voices

Last weeks had been quite busy regarding News in the context of forests, REDD+ and all this environmental stuff. Even before and during the last climate meetings in Tianjin (UN Climate Change Conference) there have been dozens of news messages, articles and stories all dealing with forests and REDD+ and Conservation...

But since begin of this week (18.10.2010) all sources are silent. There is near to nothing regarding REDD+ and forest in the news...

Even REDD-Monitor is silent...

What happened?

The reason is a simple one:

Sustainable Forest Management and Good Governance – Crucial Keys to REDD+

Deforestation and forest degradation, through agricultural expansion, conversion to pastureland, infrastructure development, destructive logging, fires etc., account for nearly 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector.


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by Dr. Radut