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ETS - Emissions Trading Schemes (EU, NZ, ...) and Forest Carbon Credits

Issue date: 
September 29, 2010

Forestry Sector Gains Momentum in Voluntary Carbon Market

Last week the first forestry investment was issued credits and in return, voluntary carbon market players could increase demand for carbon credits from the forestry sector.

Issue date: 
September 20, 2010

George Soros delivers harsh words for climate change movement

Issue date: 
24 September 2010

Farming carbon

On 1 July this year NCOS came into effect. [1] It is designed to give Australian businesses, particularly farm businesses, opportunities to develop offset credits for voluntary carbon markets.

Issue date: 
September 25, 2010

Big new tax only option, Abbott told

TREASURY has repudiated Tony Abbott's direct action approach to climate change.

Issue date: 
Sep 24, 2010

EU Trying to Link Up With Federal Rather Than Local U.S. Emissions Trading

The European Union will keep trying to link its carbon market, the world’s biggest, with any U.S. program at the federal level rather than regional systems.

Issue date: 
Sep 24, 2010

S&P forecasts increased Russian carbon deals

Issue date: 
15 September 2010

EU re-examines forestry’s climate role

The long-debated issue of what part forestry should be play if any in the European Union’s climate change effort is again at the fore. The European Commission last week opened a consultation on whether land-based activity, the LULUCF sector in Kyoto Protocol jargon, should be included in the EU’s 2020 emissions reduction effort.

Issue date: 
September 16, 2010

Senate advances 2011 budget including fast-start climate finance

Issue date: 
September 17, 2010

Is EU changing mind in terms of forest carbon?

New rumbling emerged from Europe this week that the potential for emissions-reducing activities involving land use, land-use change, and forestry may be finally getting a d

Issue date: 
Sep 16, 2010

World Bank sells 500,000 U.N. carbon offsets


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by Dr. Radut