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Poverty Reduction - Deforestation, Poverty & Economic Dependency

Issue date: 
November 1st, 2013

Rhetoric or action in global efforts to protect forest communities?

JOHANNESBURG, 29 October 2013 (IRIN) - A UN mechanism that purports to involve forest-dependent communities in preventing forest loss to curtail greenhouse gas emissions is failing to do so, finds a new study.

Issue date: 
August 27,2013

Mitigation without adaptation can leave communities vulnerable — study

BOGOR, Indonesia (27 August, 2013) — Understanding the vulnerability of forest-dependent communities is a point of departure for building more effective climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, a study has found.

Issue date: 
5 June 2013

Trucks arrive to evict Botswana Bushmen despite government denials

Government trucks arrived last night to evict Bushmen from their ancestral land in southern Botswana, according to reports received by Survival International.

Issue date: 
May 17, 2013

Climate finance that makes sense to farmers

Agricultural carbon projects involving smallholder farmers can take up to 16 years to generate a profit from carbon credits.

Issue date: 
May 8, 2013

Agricultural Intensification Could Run Up High Bills In The Long-Run

Maximizing crop yields on existing farms in an effort to stem rampant land clearance in developing countries may become financially untenable in the long-term, researchers say.

Issue date: 
February 7, 2013; Feb. 12, 2013

Improving forest governance: A comparison of FLEGT VPAs and their impact

Ten years since the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Action P

Issue date: 
February 1, 2013

Forests and Food: Thoughts on Our Fear of Working Together

Last week the Yale chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters webcast its annual conference, this year focused on Food and Forests: Cultivating Resilient

Issue date: 
February 05, 2013

Globalisation, logging concessions, conservation organisations and local people

A commonly held view in the developed part of the world is that conservation organisations are doing "good" when offering small-scale development activities to improve local livelihoods of people in remote forested areas, such as those in southeast Cameroon.

Issue date: 
Decemer 2, 2012

“Come out of the forest” to save the trees

Forestry experts have called for a new approach to managing land and tackling climate change – challenging the ongoing debate that forests have to be sacrificed for the sake of rural development and food security.

Issue date: 
30 November 2012

Indigenous Leaders Embrace REDD, With Or Without Carbon Markets

More than a dozen indigenous leaders from across the Amazon endorsed efforts to save endangered rainforest using financial mechanisms that reward good land stewardship and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest d


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by Dr. Radut