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Issue date: 
July 22, 2011

Stora Enso invests in sustainable energy at Zdirec Sawmill in Czech Republic

Helsinki, Finland, 2011-07-21 11:59 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STORA ENSO OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 21 July 2011 at 12.59 EET Stora Enso is continuing to implement its Wood Products Business Area strategy to improve profitability by constructing a new combined heat and power (CHP) plant at Zdírec

Issue date: 
Jul 13, 2011

FFIF : Lively Timber Sales Activity in June

Finland, Jul 13, 2011 - The forest industry purchased 4 million cubic metres of wood in June and all timber grades were in good demand. The volume of purchases doubled from May, matching the volume achieved in June last year.

Timber prices were high, translating into excellent earnings for forest owners who made timber sales in June.

Issue date: 
Jun 29, 2011

M-real Divests its Myllykoski Paper Holding to UPM

Issue date: 
15 June 2011

Finnish-Russian collaboration in forest sector will strengthen

The project will get funding of 175 000 euros from South-Karelia - Russia ENPI programme. ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) -programme is financed by EU, the Republic of Finland and the Russian Federation. One of the aims during the project is to find a suitable form for strengthening the research and education collaboration between Finnish and Russian forest sector. The father of the idea of Finnish-Russian Forest Academy has been Mr Timo Puttonen, Executive Director of Regional Council of South Karelia.

Issue date: 
Jun 8, 2011

Timber Sales Show Signs of Recovery in May

Finland, Jun 8, 2011 - The forest industry purchased 2 million cubic metres of timber from private forests in May. The volume more than doubled from April.

All timber grades are in demand, but there's a particular need for more sawlogs, which are needed to keep sawmills up and running.

Issue date: 
Jun 10, 2011

Stora Enso Receives European Union's LIFE Environment Award for Innovative Recycling Technology

Issue date: 
13 July, 2010

UPM agrees on sustainable forestry in Minnesota

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

UPM and ENO Environment Online Plant Trees with Schoolchildren in UK, Uruguay and Finland

Helsinki, Finland, May 20, 2011 – UPM participates in ENO – Environment Online’s Tree Planting Day on May 20 in United Kingdom, Uruguay and Finland. The annual event is part of UPM’s partnership with ENO, a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. ENO has been running since 2000 and reached thousands of schools in 150 countries.

Issue date: 
May 23, 2011

UPM Pioneers in Renewed EU Environmental Management System

Helsinki, Finland, May 23, 2011 – UPM is one of the very first companies to achieve multinational corporate registration under the revised EMAS III regulation, the EU’s Environmental Management and Auditing Scheme. UPM’s corporate registration includes 15 pulp and paper mills in five EU countries and all data is third party verified.

Issue date: 
May 24th, 2011



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by Dr. Radut