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EcoPlanet Bamboo’s Nicaraguan Plantations Receive VCS Validation

EcoPlanet Bamboo’s Rio Kama and Rio Siquia plantations have received carbon validation through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

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Do Property Rights Promote Investment But Cause Deforestation?

Many policymakers argue that property rights decrease deforestation. Some theoretical papers also make this prediction, arguing that property rights decrease discount rates applied to a long-term investment in forestry. However, the effect is theoretically ambiguous.

Issue date: 
October 17, 2011

Japan approves 4 forestry CDM projects


Host country: Nicaragua

Project Name: South CDM reforestation project in Nicaragua

Activities Summary: reforestation of native species to the former pasture has declined by over-harvesting (area: 813ha)

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by Dr. Radut