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Issue date: 
December 13, 2012

Ghana government approves new forest, wildlife policy

The Cabinet of the Ghana government has approved a revised forest and wildlife policy to enable the country to consolidate and maximise benefits derived from products and services of the forest and wildlife sector.

Issue date: 
21 November 2012

Ghana To Get $50m For Sustainable Management Of Forests

hana and Burkina Faso have received endorsement of their far-reaching plans for sustainably managing their forest sectors as part of their goals for climate-resilient economic development.

Issue date: 
24th September 2012

Investment guide to 'triple win' from locally controlled forestry

A detailed discussion between investors and forest rights-holders, have resulted in new guidance for investments that can create a 'triple win' of returns for investors, livelihood security for local communities and protection for forests.

Issue date: 
13 August 2012

Ghana: Eight Million for Reducing Deforestation in Ghana

There are indications that the country could be benefitting from an eight million Cedi (GHC8 million) monetary support from the Embassy of Switzerland for the implementation of anti-deforestation initiatives in Ghana.

Issue date: 
23 May 2012

Ghana: Turning the Back On Forest Revenue Loses

Issue date: 

Enhancing Adaptation of Forests and People in Africa-Development of Pilot Cases for Selected Forest Ecosystems in Ghana and Malawi

Issue date: 
03 April 2012

Japan Backs Ghana’s Forest Preservation Scheme With $7.8m

The Japanese government is providing 7.8 million dollars to finance a special training programme on Geographical Information System and forestry inventory-taking under Ghana’s forest preservation programme.

Issue date: 
19 February 2012

Guyana’s sustainable forestry use gains int’l recognition – Ghana forestry team visits

A Technical team from Ghana visiting Guyana met with Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud to learn more about its Chainsaw Milling Project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Forestry Training Centre Inc., with oversight by the Guyana’s Forestry Commiss

Issue date: 
13 January 2012

Forestry Sector Policy Review Underway

Ghana's Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources is currently reviewing one of the sector's major policies the 1994 Forest and Wildlife Policy.

Issue date: 
November 23, 2011

Depleting of Forest in Ghana worrying – Minister

Mr Mike Hammah, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, on Tuesday expressed concern about the rate at which the country’s forest was depleting and said Government needed to update laws on forest and natural resources.


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by Dr. Radut