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Issue date: 
7th September 2010

Growing conflicts over Tanzania's 'charismatic carbon'

The country's forests are at the centre of a new global scramble to 'buy up' carbon, but as Thembi Mutch reports, is the process really going to benefit the environment or people?

Issue date: 
8 August 2010

The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

The REDD+ Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) is a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, and institutional framework for carbon finance.

Issue date: 
20 July 2010

Tanzania: UNDP project saves mountain forests for future generations

Issue date: 
26 June 2010

Tanzania to refund Norway Sh2.8bn aid

The government is to refund a total of Sh 2.8 billion to the Norwegian government as settlement for a long running dispute stemming from reported embezzlement of millions of shillings in a Donor backed natural resources development programme.  
The Citizen has established that the refund is provided for in the government budget for the 2010/2011 financial year. Members of Parliament are currently in Dodoma debating the ministerial estimates in the Sh11.1 trillion.
Issue date: 
May 28, 2010

REDD new hope for Resilience and Building of the Climate Change in Tanzania

It is no longer debated that the world climate is still changing fast and is the most pressing issues of this generation, which cause different impacts on human beings as well as its surroundings.

Issue date: 
19th of May 2010

NGO partnership to raise awareness of FSC certified African blackwood

Sound & Fair has launched a partnership with Just Forests, an Irish NGO, to raise awareness of the availability of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified African blackwood, which is widely used in traditional Irish musical instruments.

Issue date: 
May 11, 2010

TZ forests to disappear in 10 decades

Tanzania’s entire forest cover will disappear in about 10 to 16 decades if the current high level of deforestation is not checked, a new survey warns.

Issue date: 
May 20, 2010

Tanzania: Norway to organize Oslo climate conference

A MAJOR global conference to form the first real genuine partnership to fight climate change through Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries will be held in Oslo, Norway later this month.

The conference which is expected to be attended by the Minister of State at Vice President's Office responsible for the Environment, Dr Batilda Buriani, will be hosted by the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg.

Issue date: 
March 2010

UN-REDD: Tanzania

Tanzania is moving swiftly on REDD. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania, through the Vice President’s Office and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, has established a National REDD Task Force that will administer the process of developing a National Strategy for REDD.

Tanzania's involvement to REDD

Among the roles of the National REDD Task Force are to coordinate preparation for CoP 15 meeting in Copenhagen that was held in December 2009. This coordination was specifically geared at showcasing lessons learnt with regard to REDD initiatives in Tanzania.


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by Dr. Radut