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Issue date: 
May 8, 2012

Our too-thirsty forests

Issue date: 
20 January 2012

Forest fires in Chile stoke tensions over indigenous land rights

Issue date: 
August 23, 2011

Wis. officials start work on timber clearing plan

Issue date: 
July 18th, 2011

Forest fire management tools timely

New tools and the latest decision support technology for forest fire management will be timely for the first of 14 BNZ Tech Clinics at New Zealand Forest Industries 2011 in Rotorua in September.

Issue date: 
July 11th, 2011

Building Firewise communities

The National Fire Protection Association in the United States, has a Firewise Communities program that encourages local solutions for wildfire safety by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, firefighters, and others in the effort to protect people and pro

Issue date: 
Oct. 19, 2010

Old Logging Practices Linked to High Erosion Rates

Clear-cut logging and related road-building in the 1950s and 1960s in southern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains disrupted soil stability and led to unprecedented soil erosion made worse during heavy rainstorms, report University of Oregon researchers.

Issue date: 
Sept. 20, 2010

New EFI Research Report looks at the Best Practises of Fire Use in Europe

Fire has traditionally been a management tool for rural societies and it is still a part of European culture in many regions. Furthermore, fire use plays an increasing role in forest and other land management practices and policies in Europe.

Issue date: 
September 18, 2010

Calm down about beetle-killed forests

Bill Gabbert in New West (US): …Sometimes land managers, when faced with a landscape of brown, ugly, beetle-killed trees, fall all over themselves finding additional taxpayer f

Issue date: 
28 July 2010

Sparks fly over study suggesting wildfires cut CO2

Call it a hot topic. A study suggesting that intentional forest blazes could significantly cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wildfires in the Western United States has prompted a piquant scholarly quarrel. The exchange highlights the challenge forest managers may face in balancing plans to use fire to restore forest ecosystems with efforts to curb carbon emissions.

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2010

Devastating wildfires in Russia underline the need for integrated fire management

The many wildfires in Russia which are currently raging, in particular in the Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and Ryazan regions, follow an unprecedented heat wave with temperatures reaching past 38C.


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by Dr. Radut