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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
Sep 17, 2010

Graft could jeopardize Indonesia's climate deals

Issue date: 
15 September 2010

Spain: Optimal management of forests best option for reducing CO2 emissions

Conference on Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Madrid Teresa Ribera stresses that the forestry sector constitutes a fundamental tool in the fight against climate change.

Issue date: 
September 18, 2010

Saving our precious old-growth forests

Issue date: 
August 27th, 2010

Sustainable forestry is profitable: Maine has 7.5 million acres certified

In June loggers from across the Northeast were recognized at the Blaine House, the residence for the standing governor, for their outstanding business and sustainable harvesting practices.

“The Northeast Master Loggers Certification Board certified eleven new Master Logger companies,” said Beth Postlewaite, executive director of the Trust to Conserve Northeast Forestlands (TCNF), as she gave out the awards. “Of the eleven companies certified, six were from Maine. This is a model for the nation.”

Issue date: 
Aug. 16, 2010

There’s gold in them forests – but not for plantations

London, Aug. 16, 2010 (RISI) - I recently took part in a web meeting on the future of the financial industry's interest in forestry. It was surprising how sophisticated banks, insurance companies and analysts are becoming in evaluating forestry investments.

Issue date: 

Chile joins Brazil in raising S.America's investment potential

Investing experts are predicting that Brazil will be joined by Chile in leading the way for new, profitable investment opportunities in South America.

The abundant natural resources in Brazil – including timber and minerals – as well as the planned work to give it a global quality infrastructure, a strong currency and excellent showing during the global recession, have made it an attractive prospect for wealth creation opportunities.

Issue date: 
Aug 23, 2010

Pressure mounts on USGBC to accept forest certification programs

Forest certification standards from 12 nations have called on the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to end its discrimination against wood and accept all credible sustainable forest certification standards.

The certification programs pointed out that wood is one of the best environmental choices for construction as long as it is from a responsible source, and that fiber certified to the 26 national forest certification programs recognized by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) meets this demand.

Issue date: 
24 August 2010

Claims of growth in India's forests 'misleading'

Native forests in India are disappearing at a rate of up to 2.7% per year.

Issue date: 
August 17th, 2010

Forests – a feminist issue

I have been to the last two COPs (climate change conferences) – in Poznan and Copenhagen. They were both incredibly draining and frustrating, watching our negotiators move ever-so-slowly to a not-quite-conclusion. It is enough to make you swear off climate policy for good.

Issue date: 
August 19, 2010

State keen to adopt carbon offset scheme

KUCHING: The state is interested to adopt the ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation’ (REDD) initiative as part of its sustainable forest conservation programme.


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by Dr. Radut