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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
30 Jun, 2010

NZ: Big ETS pluses for farmers

THE Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) presents unique opportunities for many rural landowners in New Zealand; carbon forestry will allow landowners to use the scheme to their advantage and gain a new income stream.

Marginal farmland throughout the country can be converted into forestry and as long as any conversions are undertaken in an informed manner, landowners potentially have a lot to gain.

Issue date: 
June 27, 2010

Forestry education is out of fashion

The past few decades have witnessed the increasing importance of forest resources for humankind.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Forest externalities - Ecosystem Services - Non-Timber-Products

NEWFOREX meeting deals with the challenges of implementing the valuation of forest externalities

Issue date: 
June 23, 2010

Sustainable forest management for privately-owned U.S. forests

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CE2 Carbon Capital (CE2), one of the largest investors and owners of U.S.

Issue date: 
20 June 2010

Hanoi Meeting to Explore Participatory Forest Management

Local communities already help manage over 25% of the world’s forests through what is called Participatory Forest Management (PFM).  Tom Blomley, forestry advisor for the Danish government’s international aid agency, DANDA, explores PFM’s successes and shortcomings, and ho

Issue date: 
June 21, 2010

Detailed Summary of the American Power Act of 2010 Offset Provisions

Issue date: 
June 2010

Combating Electronic Communications

It is often assumed that use of paper grades intended for printing, particularly newsprint, has been dropping for some years in the developed world, due to replacement by electronic communication, mostly over the Internet. This has led to numerous statements by paper industry representatives and promoters criticizing electronic communications.

There is lots of conflicting information out there.

Issue date: 
Jun 23, 2010

We're financing UN on conservation of forests'

Norway pledged $1 billion to Indonesia from its public money to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Norway's environment minister ERIK SOLHEIM spoke to NARAYANI GANESH on the sidelines of the Oslo Climate and Forests Conference (OCFC) on May 27 where rich countries agreed to spend big to save forests in developing countries:
Issue date: 

Forestry Land Use - A Chorus of Rusty Cogs

There aren’t many beards in evidence at Citola’s offices, but we hope you’ll know what we mean when we say we’ve been doing a lot of beard-stroking when it comes to the issue of the UN climate change talks.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Fighting sand encroachment


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by Dr. Radut