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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
14 February 2012

Foresters facing climate change challenges

Foresters must face various tough challenges in the current scenario of global climate change, Forest Survey of India director general AK Wahal said while chairing the valedictory session of a two-day workshop on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD +) for India

Issue date: 
16 Feb 2012

Busting the Forest Myths: People as Part of the Solution

The long-held contention that rural forest communities are the prime culprits in tropical forest destruction is increasingly being discredited, as evidence mounts that the best way to protect rainforests is to involve local residents in sustainable management.

Issue date: 
February 17th, 2012

British Columbia’s Auditor General releases his timber management report

British Columbia Auditor General John Doyle has released his latest report, An Audit of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Management of Timber.

Issue date: 

China makes hefty forestry investment since 2006

The central government has invested 461.1 billion yuan ($73.19 billion) in forestry over the past six years, the State Forestry Administration said Wednesday.

The investment averages out at 76.85 billion yuan per annum, up from 41.53 billion yuan in 2005.

Issue date: 

Managing forest resources for sustainable development

An evaluation of the World Bank Group's experience - approach paper

Issue date: 
01 February 2012

African land grabs hinder sustainable development

01 February 2012 (NATURE.com)- A scramble to buy African land is threatening the continent’s sustainable development, according to reports launched today at the Royal Society in London.

Issue date: 
6 February 2012

Paid for Keeping the Forest Alive

Issue date: 
February 7, 2012

Focus on protecting wildlife, not commercial forestry practices

Instead of protecting wildlife, the proposed wildlife preservation act focuses more on giving more power and dominion to an incompetent forest department widely criticised for its commercial forestry practices, said speakers at a discussion yesterday.

Issue date: 
7 February 2012

A big day for our Wapichan people

The 7th February 2012 is a very important date for the communities of the Wapichan people of the South Rupununi  in Guyana: on this date, we will present to the national and international communities a m

Issue date: 
Feb 8 2012

Forest cover falls to 23.81% of total geographical area

India’s environment ministry has blamed Maoist rebels and shifting cultivation practised in the country’s north-east for a drop in forest cover.


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by Dr. Radut