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Sustainable forest management

A New Direction And Vision For America’s Forests

SEATTLE, August 14, 2009 - US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has outlined his vision for the future of America’s forests. In his first major speech regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, Vilsack set forth a new direction for conservation, management, and restoration of these natural treasures.

APP and the certification issue

What is APP doing in Indonesia? Is APP still holding FSC certificate, has it changed to PEFC or does it own both cerificates?

Horse logging/Pferderückung

Prince Edward's Provinzregierung (Kanada) erlaubt jedermann die Holznutzung mit Pferden...

Montag, 20.4.2009: Totholz und minderwertige Holzsortimente gehören demjenigen, der das Holz mit Pferden aus dem Wald bringt. Er muss weder für das Holz noch für eine Holznutzungslizenz bezahlen. Ein interessanter Ansatz um Pferderückung in das Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit zu rücken...

Government offer leads to horse logging comeback

Monday, 20th of April 2009: More forests on P.E.I. are being logged with the help of horses this year following an offer of free firewood.



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by Dr. Radut