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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
January 18, 2012

Should EU plan be given another chance?

IT will be interesting to see whether Malaysia will finally decide to support the European Union's (EU) new timber regulation that will come into force in January next year.

Issue date: 
April, 2011

Study on REDD-plus Related Activities by Japan

This presentation was made on 10th April, 2011 at the REDD+ Partnership meeting and workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand. The presentation discusses Japan’s involvement in REDD+ activities.

Issue date: 
11 Jan 2012

There's still money in trees, even wilding pine

In response to the problems, and the costs, of wilding conifer control (ODT, 28.12.11) there is considerable scope to mitigate much of these costs with the recovery of saleable wood in the form of saw logs, post timber (roundwood), firewood and the potential income from chipping residue fo

Issue date: 
Jan 10, 2012

Metsäliitto is Testing the new Finnish FSC Standard

Metsäliitto Group has started the testing of Finland's new FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification standard in part of its own forests. The Group's forests have already been certified according to the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) standard. In future, the FSC standard will be applied in these forests as well.

Issue date: 
Jan 12, 2012

Management of beech forest can cut firewood emissions

How do you get more wood out of a tree and fewer emissions from the firewood? The answer lies in the type of trees you choose to plant, the layout that you plant them in and the size you let them grow to.

Issue date: 
January 13, 2012

1% increase in forest cover

Since the adoption of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the government took measures to enhance forests cover from 5% to 6% including approval of forestry mega projects at the cost of Rs12 billion, said Muhammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management.

Issue date: 
January 9th, 2012

A CSR project for protecting the Bataan National Park

The project was started after the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) and the Manila North Tollways Corp. (MNTC) signed a business and operations agreement on the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTex).

Issue date: 
January 8th, 2012

Mexico can’t see the wood for the trees

An indigenous community in Mexico wants to drop protected conservation status for its area because it feels it has lost real control of its land and way of life. Concern about carbon emissions is blinding policy makers to the failures of some of their conservation policies.

Issue date: 
8 January 2012

Climate negotiator Rende: Turkey ready to do its part on climate change

Turkey is emerging in the UN as a country that is working for the common good of the world with regard to climate change and one that is interested in a positive agenda, Turkey’s climate change chief negotiator Mithat Rende has said in an interview with Sunday’s Zaman.
Issue date: 
03 January 2012

National approach to LCDS will create opportunities for citizens

Guyana will continue to embrace a national approach regarding the Low Carbon Development Strategy so that all can be involved and become beneficiaries of the green economic imitative.


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by Dr. Radut