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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
23 May 2011

Tanzania: National Forest Policy

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

European Parliament adopts report on the Commission Green Paper on Forest Protection and Information

The European Parliament (EP) adopted (at its sitting on 11 May 2011) the Report on the Commission Green Paper on forest protection and information in the EU - preparing forests for climate change . The report was drafted by Kriton Arsenis (Greece, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats).

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

Local Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation in Burkina Faso

Issue date: 
May 21, 2011

REDD+ needs to change the way we think about forests

Issue date: 
May 14, 2011

Program that cuts illegal logging by providing high quality health care in Borneo wins major conservation award

The co-founder of an initiative that discourages illegal logging by bringing affordable, high quality health care to impoverished communities in Indonesian Borneo has been recognized with a prestigious conservation award.

Dr. Hotlin Ompusunggu, co-founder of Alam Sehat Lestari (ASRI), was this week awarded the £30,000 Whitley Award during a ceremony hosted in London by Princess Anne.

Issue date: 
May 14, 2011

UN climate change panel refuses to correct `mistakes' in Cancun pact

Issue date: 

Where there is forest, there is life

THE Hindu people of India have a saying in their language stating, “if there is forest there is life and if there life there is forest.”

Issue date: 

Sheltering forests for people

International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated worldwide on May 22 to further our understanding of biodiversity issues. This year, the International Day for Biological Diversity highlights ‘Forest Biodiversity’ to complement the International Year of Forests 2011, declared by the UN General Assembly. The International Year of Forests gives us an opportunity to renew our awareness of the state of the world’s forests, and to realize their role in greening the environment, sustaining life, and providing for people’s needs and wellbeing.

Issue date: 
18 May 2011

Low Carbon Development Strategy investments take shape

AS Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy moves beyond its start-up phase, the government is leading efforts to advance work on the six priority investments for this year. The six investments will accelerate Guyana’s transition to a low carbon economy by deploying the US$70M earned by Guyana for the provision of Forestry Climate Services under the Guyana/Norway Agreement.

Issue date: 
May 16, 2011

Can Bolivia Harvest Its Forests Sustainably?


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by Dr. Radut