Workshop to determine land eligibility for project development under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of UNFCCC and Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS)
The workshop to determine land eligibility for project development under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of UNFCCC and Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) will be held at the Park Hotel, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India on August 11, 2011.
Der Wald ist ein deutlich größerer CO2-Speicher als bisher angenommen. Zwischen 1990 und 2007 hat er aktuellen Berechnungen zufolge rund ein Drittel des Kohlenstoffs, der in dieser Zeit durch die Verwendung fossiler Brennstoffe freigesetzt wurde, geschluckt.
First Growth Commences Carbon Projects in West Papua Indonesia Breaking News - First Growth Funds Limited group reports its joint venture with Greencollar Group (GCS), First Growth Forests (FGFJV), has commenced the world’s first program to develop forestry carbon projects for the whole of a province in West Papua.
A PROPOSAL to keep Tasmania's native forests standing in exchange for billions in carbon credits has been rejected by the State Government, Liberal Opposition and Forestry Tasmania.
PARIS: Schemes to convert croplands, or marginal lands, to forests will make almost no inroads on global warming this century, a new scientific study says.
North America's largest forest carbon project launches, sells $4-million in credits
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is receiving more than $4-million in what it says is the largest forest carbon project to date in North America and the first deal of its kind in Canada.
New global carbon map for 2.5 billion ha of forests
Tropical forests across Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia stored 247 gigatons of carbon — more than 30 years' worth of current emissions from fossil fuels use — in the early 2000s, according to a comprehensive assessment of the world's carbon stocks.