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Issue date: 
January 31st, 2011

Asia Pulp and Paper: why activists are wrong over destructive logging allegations

The paper giant has been accused by Greenpeace of destructive logging and green-washing. But campaigners are mistaken, says APP boss Aida Greenbury - the company is supporting REDD projects and putting sustainability at the centre of operations

IUFRO came up with a new report on REDD


IUFRO came up with a new study about REDD. It's an impressive pack of information and a lots of background info.

And of course people immediately started to interpret their own thoughts and ideas on the "results" of this study.

Here is an overview of what people are reading out of the study:

Issue date: 
21 Jan 2011

Tanzania to create forest inventory to help fight climate change

DAR ES SALAAM (AlertNet) – Tanzania plans to draw up a comprehensive inventory of its forests to replace outdated statistics and help the east African country to conserve woodland, preserve livelihoods and curb climate change.

Issue date: 
Monday, 17 January 2011

Forests under threat

The Forestry Administration has warned that the government will not meet its goal of achieving 60 percent forest cover nationwide if it continues parcelling out the Kingdom’s territory in economic land concessions.

Issue date: 
23 December, 2010

Forests or famine the choice for Papua New Guineans, says economist

An Australian academic says feeding themselves will become very difficult for the majority of Papua New Guineans if more forests aren’t cleared for farmland.

Issue date: 
Dec 27, 2010

Sacrificing the Rainforest on the Altar of Energy

LIMA, Dec 27, 2010 (IPS/IFEJ) - The construction of five hydroelectric dams in Peru as part of an energy deal with Brazil will do considerable damage to the environment, such as the destruction of nearly 1.5 million hectares of jungle over the next 20 years, according to an independent study.

More than 1,000 km of roads will have to be carved out of primary and secondary forests to build the dams and power plants and put up power lines, says the report, carried out by engineer José Serra for ProNaturaleza, a leading conservation organisation in Peru.

Issue date: 
30 December 2010

Nigeria: Deforestation - Cutting Down Our Lives

Climate change is no longer an abstract term or a scientific jargon with no local, humane touch.

Issue date: 
December 27, 2010

Mexico gets $15 mn from Norway to fight deforestation

Issue date: 
December 27, 2010

Agricultural lending jumps in Brazil, will Amazon deforestation follow?

With commodity prices surging, lending to Brazilian farmers for tractors, harvesters and plows reached 8.2 billion reais ($4.8 billion) for the July through November 2010 period, a 64 percent increase since the same period last year and the fastest pace since 2004, reports Bloomberg.

Issue date: 
10 November, 2010

World Bank should shift carbon focus off hydro – report

The World Bank Group has been urged to curtail buying carbon credits from hydropower projects, shifting the emphasis of its carbon finance activities to areas where it can have more influence.


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by Dr. Radut