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Issue date: 
June 2010

REDD will ease deforestation in Uganda

Issue date: 
18 Jun 2010

Carbon-Free UK in 2030?

Carbon neutrality by 2030 is the new standard for climate policies, and again the UK is leading North America in the climate debate with a bo

Issue date: 

Indonesia - Norway REDD+: A giant step for mankind

Since its announcement of the two-year moratorium on the conservation of natural forests in the recent forest and climate summit in Oslo, the eyes of the world are on Indonesia.

Issue date: 
June 14, 2010

Industrial Farming Slows Climate Change?

That's the conclusion from a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Issue date: 
June 3, 2010

Fires in Amazon challenge emission reduction program

Fire occurrence rates in the Amazon have increased in 59% of areas with reduced deforestation and risks cancelling part of the carbon savings achieved by UN measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation.

Issue date: 
June 09, 2010

Reporting on deforestation, pollution is dangerous

Journalists who report on deforestation and pollution are increasingly at risk of violence, imprisonment, or persecution, finds a new report released last week by Reporters Without Borders.

Issue date: 
8 June 2010

Calling for World Support for Forestry Development

The Federal Government has underscored the need for the industrial nations to support the developing nations to fast track the pace of activities to reduce carbon emissions through deforestation and forest degradation.

Issue date: 

The Norway - Indonesian REDD deal - an insight

The governments of Indonesia and Norway signed recently a US$1 billion partnership to cut Indonesian emissions from deforestation and forest degradation to resist climate change.

Issue date: 
May 27, 2010

George Soros bolsters global forest aid effort

OSLO,  (Reuters) – Billionaire investor George Soros  said yesterday he would guarantee $50 million to help slow  deforestation and contain climate change, bolstering Norwegian  plans for a partnership of rich and poor states to save forests.


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by Dr. Radut