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Issue date: 
December 27, 2009

2009: a year in review of rainforest protection

2009 may prove to be an important turning point for tropical forests.

Lead by Brazil, which had the lowest extent of deforestation since at least the 1980s, global forest loss likely declined to its lowest level in more than a decade. Critical to the fall in deforestation was the global financial crisis, which dried up credit for forest-destroying activities and contributed to a crash in commodity prices, an underlying driver of deforestation.

Issue date: 
December 3, 2009

Carbon trading situation at Q4/2009

The agreement achieved at the Copenhagen climate summit leaves business leaders around the world close to where they began, facing uncertainty about how environmental policy will affect their costs and decisions about investments.

Issue date: 
December 3, 2009

As emissions increase, carbon 'sinks' get clogged

World's oceans, forests becoming less able to absorb CO2

New model for climate funding - The Mexican-Norwegian Proposal

Norway and Mexico launch a joint model to provide predictable funding for climate actions in developing countries, starting in 2013.

Temperate and Boreal Forests - still a considerable carbon sink!

A new report states that boreal forests store nearly twice as much carbon as tropical forests per hectare: a fact which researchers say should make the conservation of boreal forests as important as tropical in climate change negotiations.

Forestry's Growing Role in Carbon Finance

One of the bright spots at the Copenhagen climate change summit could be the establishment of a scheme to protect forests and their carbon-absorbing capacity

Issue date: 
November 25, 2009

Voluntary Carbon Markets for dummies

LONDON (Reuters) - Buyers of offsets in the global voluntary carbon market are showing increased interest in so-called exotic and U.S. credits, market players said on Wednesday.

Issue date: 
November 20, 2009

Faulty systems at the Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

As the Bank seeks to position itself as the vehicle of choice for future climate finance, the experience of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) calls its competence into question.

Sustainable Forest Management increasingly important for Climate-Change Mitigation

Expert-Level Meeting of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) highlights crucial role of European Forests 
FOREST EUROPE: New brand name for the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) 

Ecotourism may be a solution to the tourism industry’s climate threat

Tourism is considered to be a highly climate-sensitive economic sector similar to agriculture. This has encouraged industry players to look at new ways to respond effectively to these problems.


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by Dr. Radut