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Land use change

Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

Scientists warn that Malaysia is converting tropical forests to rubberwood plantations

The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) has condemned Malaysia's booming practice of converting tropical forests into rubberwood plantations, arguing that the conversion threatens Malaysia's biodiversity, endangered species, and releases significant greenhouse gas emissions.

Issue date: 

All is not sheepshape on the farm

The sheep industry is fighting for its life as farmers turn to dairying and forestry for better returns. How has it got to this and what can be done?

As much as anyone, John Gregan has worked hard to engineer a revival of sheep farming.

Issue date: 

Forestry Land Use - A Chorus of Rusty Cogs

There aren’t many beards in evidence at Citola’s offices, but we hope you’ll know what we mean when we say we’ve been doing a lot of beard-stroking when it comes to the issue of the UN climate change talks.

Issue date: 
June 14, 2010

Industrial Farming Slows Climate Change?

That's the conclusion from a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Issue date: 
June 2, 2010

UNFCCC in Bonn: Emissions Reductions or Market Mechanisms?

Bonn, Germany - As the UNFCCC climate talks got under way in Bonn, the two working groups began meetings: the ad hoc working group on long-term co-operative action (AWG-LCA) began with responses to the draft text and ad hoc working group on the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) began to discuss emission

Die EU Agrarpolitik, FLEGT und REDD+

Wieso die EU Agrarpolitik die Entwaldung von Regenwäldern forciert oder anders gefragt: wieso bekämpft die EU illegale Holzschlägerungen, nicht aber Entwaldung?

Issue date: 
April 20 2010

Central-East European Regional Office – EFICEEC launched

The development of EFI Regional Offices continues. The latest office to open its doors is the Central-East European Regional Office – EFICEEC in Vienna, Austria.

Issue date: 
Saturday, 30 January 2010

Keeping more forest or biodiversity with many empty stomachs does not make any sense

Göttingeli Nepalese Society, popularly known as GöNeS, proudly started to introduce the well-known Nepalese academician in Germany who has already set a standard in their respective field.

Issue date: 
February 2, 2010

Uganda: Roads to Ruin

It is possible that the environmental challenge in Africa that will have the biggest impact on the rest of the world is the degradation of the Congo Basin rainforest.  According to Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai, in her 2009 book


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by Dr. Radut