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External News

Issue date: 
4 February 2011

The role of the World Bank in carbon markets

Issue date: 
February 4, 2011

RusForest acquires forestry company in Boguchany, Krasnoyarsk region in Russia

Issue date: 
4 February 2011

Two Sides contributes to the industry response to European Commission’s Electronic Invoicing proposals

4 February 2011, London, UK – Two Sides has joined with other industry bodies to urgently request a meeting with the European Commission to discuss the role of print media, and a need for the European Commission to form a balanced view of the sustainability of print media in a multi-media world.

Issue date: 
February 5th, 2011

Port Alice Neucel speciality cellulose mill sold to Chinese textile firm

The Neucel Specialty Cellulose mill in Port Alice, British Columbia has been sold to Fulida Group Holdings Ltd. of China.

Issue date: 

Supporting small forest enterprises

Issue date: 
20 January 2011

ASEAN Focuses on Socioeconomic Aspects of Sustainable Forest Management

Issue date: 
Jan 24, 2011

Government of Canada Investing in Sustainable Forest Management Research in Quebec's Eastern Townships

Issue date: 

A move from Land ‘Sparing’ to ‘Sharing’ will Balance the Forest - Agriculture Equation

Issue date: 
Feb 2, 2011

Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous Peoples

Issue date: 
January 27, 2011

DNR achieves recertification of nearly 5 million acres


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by Dr. Radut