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Issue date: 
Jan 25, 2011

Finnish FSC standard approved

FINLAND, Jan 25, 2011 - The international Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) granted its unqualified approval to Finland’s redrafted FSC standard on 21st January 2011. The new FSC standard can be adopted once a three-month transitional period has passed.

Common ground on Finland’s national FSC standard was attained after lengthy negotiations between the three chambers of FSC Finland and various stakeholder groups. The meeting of the Finnish FSC Association approved the standard in November 2010.

Issue date: 
25 January 2011

Comprehensive review of Cancun Climate Agreements and prospects for CoP17, 2011

Issue date: 
Jan 26, 2011

UPM's associated company Pohjolan Voima is negotiating with the State of Finland and Ilmarinen on the transaction of Fin

Issue date: 

Lumbering illegality: how to make timber sustainable and pro-poor

Issue date: 
January 24th, 2011

“Luzales” company wood-sawing production modernization project is going to become a priority

"Luzales" company sent an application to become production modernization priority investment project. It was done on the meeting of Industry and Energy Ministry (Jan 19), which was chaired by Alexander Gibezh, deputy minister.

Issue date: 
January 24th, 2011

Pellet production plant has already been opened in Arkhangelsk region

New pellet production mini-plant has already been put into operation in Nyandoma (Arkhangelsk region).

Issue date: 
January 25, 2011

UK Government confirms PEFC as a source of legal and sustainable timber

The results of the 2010 CPET (Central Point of Expertise on Timber) Review, published on 21st January, concluded that both PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) continue to deliver evidence of sustainability in compliance with the UK Government’s timber policy.

Issue date: 
January 24th, 2011

Forestry companies and environmental groups propose solutions to Ontario government

The province of Ontario is proposing to protect woodland caribou habitat and protect economic growth in Northern Ontario.

Issue date: 
18 January 2011

An Introduction to Forest Governance, People and REDD+ in Latin America: Obstacles and Opportunities

Issue date: 
January 24, 2011

Financing REDD Partnership by UNDP


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by Dr. Radut