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Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity of Forests - intrinsically bound toegether and to REDD+

Recently someone sent me a special issue about Ecosystem Services of the EU DG environment

When starting to read this leaflet I began to realize the difficulties of Central European Foresters (CEF) in understanding why the rest of the (biology/ecology/forestry) world is going to have endless discussions on how to differ between biodiversity and ecosystem services when applying forest management.

Issue date: 
July 06, 2010

Forest loss in India likely worse than conventionally believed

Researchers have questioned 2009 findings by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) that found that India's forests were, unlike many tropical Asian nations', on the rebound. According to the FSI, Indian forests had grown by almost five percent from the 1990s. Yet, were these finding too good to be true?

According to Jean-Philippe Puyravaud and Priya Davidar of Pondicherry University, and William Laurance from James Cook University, the findings were very likely too optimistic.

Issue date: 
July 2, 2010

UN-REDD Supports National Governance Systems for REDD+

The UN-REDD Programme looks at why good governance is essential to the success of REDD+, and highlights the steps the Programme will be taking to support governance activities in countries.

Issue date: 
6 July 2010

Nested REDD+ vital in forest solution: Report

In order for REDD+ to be successful in halting deforestation in developing countries, carbon finance incentives will need to be delivered through smaller scale channels as well as big national bureacracies, The Nature Conservancy argues. To this end, the Nature Conservancy has issued a report, ‘A Nested Approach to REDD+’, proposing ways that REDD+ forest carbon projects and programmes at the smaller end of the scale could operate within big national schemes.

Issue date: 

Nigeria, UN Partner to Reduce Deforestation

The Federal Government and the United Nations agency, the United Nations Development Programme yesterday commenced efforts to check forest destruction with the inauguration of the National Technical Committee on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Abu

Issue date: 
04 July 2010

Better dead than REDD

In The Observer today, there is a confused and incomplete story about how the REDD scheme is being undermined by corruption.

Issue date: 
June 30, 2010

Jagdeo ups money plea

President Bharrat Jagdeo on Monday implored donors not to “obsess” with capacity building before releasing funds as this would hinder development efforts.

Issue date: 
4 July 2010

United Nations warned that corruption is undermining grants to stop logging

Campaigners say countries intend to abuse system by pocketing billions in subsidies while continuing to fell trees

Issue date: 
July 02, 2010

Worry Over Production Forest Clause


The Indonesian Forest Concessionaires Association said on Friday that the possible inclusion of production forest areas in the planned two-year logging moratorium could threaten local industries by drastically reducing timber supply.


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by Dr. Radut