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External News

Issue date: 
June 2010

Ensuring the rights of forest people in REDD+ programmes

The idea behind REDD+ is simple: Reward the people who manage forest resources in developing countries so they reduce emissions and increase removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Issue date: 
30 June 2010

Vietnam Implementing Nationwide Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services

The government of Vietnam has spent two years piloting regional schemes that use economic incentives to preserve forests by getting businesses that benefit from them to pay people who preserve them.  Now it’s taking the scheme nationwide.

Issue date: 
26 June 2010

Tanzania to refund Norway Sh2.8bn aid

The government is to refund a total of Sh 2.8 billion to the Norwegian government as settlement for a long running dispute stemming from reported embezzlement of millions of shillings in a Donor backed natural resources development programme.  
The Citizen has established that the refund is provided for in the government budget for the 2010/2011 financial year. Members of Parliament are currently in Dodoma debating the ministerial estimates in the Sh11.1 trillion.
Issue date: 
Jun 30, 2010

Coal exports to China labelled 'Kyoto hypocrisy'

New Zealand's coal exports to China were labelled 'hypocritical' by audience members at a public meeting on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)in Blenheim last night.

Issue date: 
28 June 2010

Tackling Deforestation Must Be Key Focus in Fight Against Climate Change

While the global community is fighting wars on many fronts, the Commonwealth Secretary-General has said that there is no greater fight than climate change, "where the battle for the forest represents the front line, and the very thick of the action."

Issue date: 
30 Jun, 2010

NZ: Big ETS pluses for farmers

THE Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) presents unique opportunities for many rural landowners in New Zealand; carbon forestry will allow landowners to use the scheme to their advantage and gain a new income stream.

Marginal farmland throughout the country can be converted into forestry and as long as any conversions are undertaken in an informed manner, landowners potentially have a lot to gain.

Issue date: 
June 2010

UNFCCC Publishes Meeting Report on Guidance for Forest Emissions and Removals


Issue date: 
29 Jun, 2010

Carbon rules make sequestration hard to track

FARMERS are managing an enormous amount of carbon in their landscapes, but get very little credit for the fact under the current Kyoto greenhouse gas accounting rules.


Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

Cutting down the Amazon does not mean lower food prices

Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

Scientists warn that Malaysia is converting tropical forests to rubberwood plantations

The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) has condemned Malaysia's booming practice of converting tropical forests into rubberwood plantations, arguing that the conversion threatens Malaysia's biodiversity, endangered species, and releases significant greenhouse gas emissions.


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by Dr. Radut