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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2010

Avoiding Planned Deforestation

The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a non-profit enterprise of Winrock International, welcomes feedback from its members, project proponents and other interested parties on the ACR Methodology for REDD – Avoiding Planned Deforestation

Issue date: 

Terra Global Capital’s VCS Mosaic REDD Methodology Completes the First Validation

Developed by Terra Global Capital, LLC in partnership with Community Forestry International, the pioneering Mosaic REDD methodology submitted

Issue date: 
10 August, 2010

Governance Update

The UN-REDD Programme has been active over the past few months, in convening and engaging with partners from around in the world to advance ideas and common understandings of governance issues related to REDD+.

Issue date: 
31 December 2009

REDD+: Sub-National Systems as Part of National Systems

The Copenhagen Accord recognized the need for a mechanism to funnel money into projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation while promoting conservation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks and sustainable forest management (REDD+).  Maria Bendana digs into the latest negotiating text and offers a detailed summary of the most relevant sections and analyzes what the outcome means for private sector engagement.

Issue date: 
10 August 2010

Delivering biochar's triple win

Last year, there seemed to be an unwritten rule in enviro-circles: whenever two or more enviro-folks were gathered together in a place of meeting, talk must turn to biochar.

Issue date: 
10 August 2010

Climate talks stay bogged in Bonn

The latest session of UN climate talks in Bonn last week have only consolidated widespread apprehension that the 194 nations are still years away from their goal – a new comprehensive climate agreement to limit global warming to plus-2 degrees or perhaps less.

Issue date: 
3 August 2010

MRV and Monitoring for REDD+ Implementation

Peter Holmgren, Director of Climate, Energy and Tenure Division and UN-REDD Programme Coordinator at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), explains the challenges ahead and key steps when it comes to setting-up a national monitoring system for REDD+.

Issue date: 
06 August 2010

Establishment of the Guyana Redd+Investment Fund nearing completion

Government of Norway corrects Stabroek News Article

Issue date: 
August 6, 2010

SN coverage of Guyana-Norway forest partnership did not fully reflect written responses to reporter’s questions

Dear Editor,

Issue date: 
03 August 2010

Making REDD+ Work for Zambia

UNDP Programme Officer, Samuli Leminen, highlights REDD+ progress in Zambia since the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved US$4.5 million for the country’s national REDD+ strategy.


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by Dr. Radut