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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
10 Jul 2010

Amazongate: At last we reach the source

Fire in the Amazon, it turns out, was not a 'report' or a scientific paper but, as the WWF now acknowledges, a text published by IPAM? on its website in 1999
Issue date: 
8 July 2010

National Technical Committee on REDD Inaugurated

National Technical Committee on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) has been inaugurated. While inaugurating the   committee members, Minister of Environment, Mr.

All that glistens is not REDD+

“Put the buzzwords deforestation, degradation, indigenous people and local communities, stakeholder process and carbon inventory in the terms of reference of your next forests based project and you can classify this project as a REDD+ project!”

Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

What will it take to make sure REDD+ is safe?

As international policy frameworks and pledges of billions of dollars move REDD+ forward, many observers remain concerned over how to ensure the lofty promises being made for global forest conservation will actually provide broader social and environmental benefits.

Issue date: 
July 7, 2010

Technical Support for the Development of REDD Projects in Malawi, USAID

Working with the Malawi, Environmental, Endowment Trust (MEET), and Bioclimate Research and Development, on a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Issue date: 
July 2, 2010

UN-REDD Supports National Governance Systems for REDD+

The UN-REDD Programme looks at why good governance is essential to the success of REDD+, and highlights the steps the Programme will be taking to support governance activities in countries.

Issue date: 
July 2, 2010

US$8.7 million approved for UN-REDD’s Global Activities

In a recent intersessional decision on 25 June, the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved the budget for an additional US$8.7 million to fund global activities aimed at supporting national REDD+ readiness efforts.

Issue date: 
6 July 2010

Nested REDD+ vital in forest solution: Report

In order for REDD+ to be successful in halting deforestation in developing countries, carbon finance incentives will need to be delivered through smaller scale channels as well as big national bureacracies, The Nature Conservancy argues. To this end, the Nature Conservancy has issued a report, ‘A Nested Approach to REDD+’, proposing ways that REDD+ forest carbon projects and programmes at the smaller end of the scale could operate within big national schemes.

Issue date: 

Nigeria, UN Partner to Reduce Deforestation

The Federal Government and the United Nations agency, the United Nations Development Programme yesterday commenced efforts to check forest destruction with the inauguration of the National Technical Committee on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Abu

Issue date: 
04 July 2010

Better dead than REDD

In The Observer today, there is a confused and incomplete story about how the REDD scheme is being undermined by corruption.


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by Dr. Radut