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Forest products

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

Australian structural softwood product prices stable

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

Japan likely to boost log imports

Hakan Ekstrom, a principal of United States-based Wood Resources International in an article this week said reconstruction of up to 150,000 buildings in northern Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on 11 March 11 will boost NZ log exports.

Issue date: 
March 28th, 2011

Wood First initatives – spreading from B.C. across the country

The Wood First initiative started in British Columbia. Their provincial government passed the Wood First Act in 2009 that requires wood to be considered as the primary building material in all new publicly-funded buildings, such as schools, libraries or sports complexes.

Issue date: 
Mar 28, 2011

Japanese Importation of Logs, Lumber and Plywood in 2011 is Likely to be the Highest it has been Since 2008

Seattle, USA, Mar 28, 2011 - The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy that is difficult to comprehend. Over 10,000 people died during and in the immediate aftermath; more than 400,000 people lost their homes and 100-150,000 buildings were destroyed. The re-building of towns, roads, railways and the power grid in the impacted region northeast of Tokyo will be a lengthy and difficult undertaking.

Issue date: 
March 30, 2011

Japan is in urgent need of pre-fabricated houses and manufactured wood products

Issue date: 
Mar 29, 2011

ANDRITZ AG Annual General Meeting Approves Substantial Dividend Increase

Graz, Austria, Mar 29, 2011. Today’s 104th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of ANDRITZ AG agreed to a dividend payment of 1.70 Euros per share for the 2010 business year, which is an increase of 70% compared to the dividend for the 2009 business year (1.00 Euro per share). Ex-dividend date is March 31, 2011, the date of dividend payment April 4, 2011.

Klaus Ritter, who has been a member of the ANDRITZ AG Supervisory Board since 2004, was reappointed to the Supervisory Board of ANDRITZ AG.

Issue date: 
Mar 29, 2011

Ilim Group Starts Construction Works at Bratsk Within Investment Project's Realization

St. Petersburg, Russia, Mar 29, 2011 - Ilim Group obtained permission to start construction works in Bratsk within over 700 million dollars investment project. The permission was issued by Bratsk administration. Not long ago Ilim Group also obtained consent from the Main State Expert Review Board on this project.

Issue date: 
March 31, 2011

UPM aims at building with wood

Issue date: 
March 22nd, 2011

Log shortage halts work for many in British Columbia

Arnold Bercov, president of the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada Local 8, is very concerned that shipping raw logs out of British Columbia is coming at a cost to many local mills.

Issue date: 
Mar 18, 2011

ANDRITZ to Supply Biomass Boiler Island for Hämeenkyrön Voima, Finland

Graz, Austria, Mar 18, 2011 - International technology Group ANDRITZ has been awarded an order by Hämeenkyrön Voima Oy to supply an 80MWth fluidized bed steam boiler using as main fuel wood-based biomass and milled peat as additional fuel for its power plant in Hämeenkyrö, Finland. The project investors are Pohjolan Voima, M-real and Leppäkosken Sähkö. Start-up of the boiler is scheduled for the autumn of 2012.


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by Dr. Radut