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Forest products

Issue date: 
November 12, 2010

Production halt in forestry group Södra

The advantage for Swedish sawmills has disappeared with the appreciation of the Swedish Crown.

Issue date: 
November 11th, 2010

Ruukki Group to pull out of pulp mill and sawmill project in Russia

Ruukki Group, a Finland-based company that focuses on wood-based industrial business operations, has scrapped its plans to build a large pulp mill and sawmill in the Kostroma Oblast in Russia. reports Helsingin Sanomat..The company did not accept the contract changes requested by the Kostroma authorities and decided to pull out of the project. 
Ruukki is accusing the Kostroma local administration of contract violations and plans to seek damages in a local court of first instance.

Issue date: 
11 November 2010

Karelia: RUR 20 mln to be invested in regional economy

In 2011 Karelia’s Ministry of Economic Development plans to attract about 20 bln rubles of state and private investments to the regional economy, what corresponds to the rates of 2010. 

Issue date: 
1st November 2010

Mondi sees strong final quarter, says rand a 'major headwind'

Paper and packaging group Mondi expects to continue to deliver a strong performance in the last quarter of the year, but warned that the continued strengthening of emerging market currencies was impacting on the competitiveness of some of the group’s businesses.

The group, led by CEO David Hathorn, on Monday indicated in an interim management statement that its underlying profit for the third quarter of the year, ended September 30, had been the highest so far, this year.

Issue date: 
November 1, 2010

Growth is back in Baltics, Poland and Russia

After some tough years, the economic crisis is over for the Baltic states, Poland and Russia,  at least in terms of growth, according to Nordea´s Baltic Rim Outlook. Estonia's forthcoming accession of the euro underlines that a new era has begun for the Baltics. Exports have initially been th

Issue date: 
November 6, 2010


There are no signs that the planned Russian timber duty increase to 50 euros per cubic meter from 1 January 2011 will be postponed said the Swedish Minister for Trade Ewa Björling when she spoke to the Swedish news agency Direkt.

Issue date: 
07 November 2010

New issue of MOST Digest - Russian Timber Industry

Issue date: 
October 27, 2010

Wood chip indices - a new tool for companies

Wood chip indices are well suited for forest and energy companies who can use price indices for benchmarking and for the financial community, which can use the Indices as price risk management tools.

Issue date: 
October 25th, 2010

China MDF soaring as rest of the World slows

Global MDF capacity reached 72.9 million m3 in 2009 - an increase of 4.0 million m3 (+5.8%) over 2008. In 2009, China remains the world’s largest MDF-producing country at 32.5 million m3 - that’s 45% of world capacity!

Issue date: 
October 25, 2010

China: Forest Industry will expand - wood imports

The forest industry in China is continuing its expansion, and with limited domestic timber resources, importation of logs and wood chips are at an all-time high, especially as tight supply of domestic logs has increased local log prices to new highs.


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by Dr. Radut