UNEP’s 2011 Sasakawa Prize Winners Focus on Forest Conservation
23 February 2011: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced two projects aimed at conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural communities in Latin America and Asia, as the 2011 recipients of the Sasakawa Prize.
FAO highlights exemplary forest management in the Dominican Republic and Guyana
In 2007 the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations began a search for instances of good forest management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The results of that search were published last year, with the hope that the cases highlighted would provide inspiration and guidance for policy-makers and resource managers across the region. The resulting report is called Standing Tall: Exemplary Cases of Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Court Affirms Forestry’s Positive Role in Addressing Climate Change Decision
Judge Patrick Riley in El Dorado County presided over a consolidated case in which environmental activists challenged 19 Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs) submitted to the state by Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) in eight counties. Plaintiffs argued that the plans did not comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because they did not properly or adequately address greenhouse gas emissions from timber harvesting. In his 25-page opinion Judge Riley disagreed, saying: