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Issue date: 
11 February 2011

English forest sell-off put on hold

The government has taken 40,000 hectares of public forest off the market, in the latest twist in the furore over the proposed sell-off of England's woodland.

Issue date: 
February 12th, 2011

Two forestry companies in Western Australia sold

Issue date: 
February 7, 2011

Common Property Forest Management: Implications for REDD in Ethiopia

Issue date: 
7 February 2011

UNDP Administrator Emphasizes Safeguards for REDD+ at the launch of Forests 2011

In her address at the Ministerial Dialogue with the Heads of the member organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, on the occasion of the 9th United Nations Forum on Forests, Administrator Helen Clark emphasized UNDP’s commitment to REDD+ safeguards.

Issue date: 
14 February 2011

No Correlation Between Democracy and Forest Governance

All markets differ from region to region.  Soybean meal from Brazil, for example, has a higher protein content than does soybean meal from the United States, which makes it especially popular in China.  But the two products resemble each other enough that a Chinese buyer will grudgingly accept the latter in lieu of the former – albeit at an agreed upon discount.

That's one of the things that makes soybean meal a commodity', and its status as a commodity is one of the things that makes it so easy to trade.

Issue date: 
10 February 2011

Ms. Bulkan has emerged again from her cocoon

I wish to refer to a letter in the Stabroek News under the caption “Almost nine per cent of Guyana’s budget this year hangs on the  POYRY -  Guyana Forestry Commission Report” in its issue of Thursday February 3, 2011.

Issue date: 
February 08, 2011

State eyes carbon credits through tree campaign

Issue date: 
8 February 2011

RRI Dialogue Addresses Developments on REDD+

Issue date: 
February 8, 2011

Forests to be a hot topic in 2011

Why is the International year of the Forests so important right now?

Issue date: 
February 8, 2011

Stewart Maginnis on Poverty and Forest Restoration


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by Dr. Radut