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Issue date: 
11th January 2011

Good policies a must for commercial use of forests

The United Nation (UN) has declared 2011 as the international year of forests although more than a billion forest-dependent poor will probably not see it that way. Spiraling global demand for food, energy, fibre and water spell trouble for these people’s forests.

Issue date: 
12 January 2011

ISESCO to help REDD training programmes: Afridi

Issue date: 
January 11, 2011

Cut a Forest and Put a Man on the Moon

Yesterday a Ugandan man and I were planning an environmental education training for teachers.  He was lamenting the poor state of the environment in Uganda and said that he wished Ugandans had the same sense of responsibility towards the environment that Americans have.  He said “why can’

Issue date: 
January 11, 2011

Institutions should facilitate local forest monitoring

For many policy analysts and scholars, turning forest management over to governments, particularly as protected areas, is one way to preserve forests.

Issue date: 
11 January 2011

California Air Resources Board Grants Forest Clearcutters a Free CO2 Pass

AB32 - Charged with implementing the provisions of A.B.

Issue date: 
January 11, 2011

Three forest companies planning for IPOs during 2011 or 2012

Latvian Forest Company, The Forest Company and Forwood are three forest companies planning FOR IPOs during 2011 or 2012 reports nyemission.nu

Issue date: 
January 12, 2011

Satellites unravel complex relationship between northern forests and climate

The European Space Agency (ESA) Earth-observing satellites are helping to understand the intricate role that Eurasia's boreal forest plays in the chemical make-up of the atmosphere and the global climate system.

Issue date: 
January 12, 2011

European Commission Green Paper on forest protection and information

The results are now available of the public consultation on the EC Green Paper on Forest Protection and Information in the EU: Preparing forests for climate change. The consultation was opened on 1 March 2010, and at the closure of the consultation on 31 July 2010, 261 responses had been received.

Issue date: 
January 13, 2011

Norske Skog sells properties

Norske Skog has entered into an agreement concerning sale of Klosterøya to a consortium consisting of Conceptor Eiendomsutvikling AS and Bratsberg Gruppen AS, and has at the same time also finalised sale of a property at Nedre Ranheim.

Issue date: 
January 11, 2011

After Cancun: We’re all foresters now

The mild success of Cancun provided a great advance for the world’s foresters: global attention. But with this attention comes responsibility.


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by Dr. Radut