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Issue date: 
September 27th, 2010

Australia - MIS investors more hopeful

The future looks more promising for plantations in Australia’s collapsed management investment scheme (MIS) programs as reputable timber groups take on management and investors consider buying the timberland, or in some cases the land and its trees, The Australian reported on 18 September.

Issue date: 
22 September 2010

Cambodian Buddhist monk wins UNDP environmental award

Issue date: 
27th September 2010

Degradation is in the Eye of the Beholder

In the discussion about where oil palm and other plantations should go we talk so easily about degraded lands. But the concept is not straightforward.

Issue date: 
September 28 2010

Forestry plantings heading for 60-year low

Next year's planted forestry area is set to be the lowest since 1947 unless the capital expenditure budget for forestry is increased, the Association of Irish Forestry Consultants (AIFC) has warned.

Issue date: 
29 Sep 2010

Forging a Landmark Agreement To Save Canada’s Boreal Forest

Last spring, conservation groups and timber companies signed an historic agreement to protect a large swath of Canada’s boreal forest. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, the Pew Environment Group's Steven E.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

President calls on UN to craft global accountability indicators

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s annual high-level debate
yesterday, President Bharrat Jagdeo called on the UN to establish global
accountability indicators to assess whether the implementation of policies is in accordance with the international responsibilities.

Issue date: 
Sep 21, 2010

EfD research on REDD+ discussed at UNITAR - Yale conference

Daniel Slunge, Policy Analyst at the Environmental Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg, was invited speaker at the second Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy: Strengthening Institutions to Address Climate Change and Advance a Green Economy, organized by the United Nation

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Norwegian politicians can stop big forest deal

Orkla's sale of Borregaard is called the forestry deal of the century in the Nordic countries. Norwegian group Orkla's sale of forest company Borregaard, where Swedish company Bergvik Skog has been mentioned as prospective buyer, has become business for the Norwegian Governme

Issue date: 
September 24, 2010

Press Converence with Todd Stern: The Kyoto Protocol Question is a Very Difficult One

MR. STERN: Hi everybody. Thanks for coming. We've just completed the ninth meeting of the Major Economies Forum here in New York. It was attended by officials from 17 major economies, both developed and developing.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

Why Conservation Won't Save the World's Forests

And why we might need to sell forests to save them


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by Dr. Radut