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Issue date: 
8th September, 2010

Shell funding of forest protection scheme could result in 'largest land grab of all time'

Oil giant's investment in Indonesian REDD conservation project is a crude attempt to increase profit and gloss over its expanding oil drilling operations, say campaigners

International Symposium on Indicators to Assess and Monitor the Quality of Forest Governance

The World Bank, PROFOR and FAO are organizing an international symposium on indicators to assess and monitor the quality of forest governance. The symposium will take stock of progress to date in designing indicators and applying them in the field, including the use of indicators for specific purposes.

Issue date: 

Carbon mapping breakthrough

Palo Alto, CA—By integrating satellite mapping, airborne-laser technology, and ground-based plot surveys, scientists from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, with colleagues from the World Wildlife Fund and in coordination with the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment (MI

Issue date: 
September 3, 2010

Latin America Accounts for 65% of Forest Loss in the Last Five Years, says CIFOR

Specialists from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) reported that Latin America accounts for "65 percent of the net loss of forests in the world", which continues despite isolated cases of success.

Issue date: 
August 31, 2010

Leading by Example on the Road to Cancun

The success of any major endeavor depends to a large degree on leadership, and REDD+ is no exception.

Issue date: 
3 September 2010

New climate change mitigation schemes could benefit elites rather than the rural poor

Oaxaca, Mexico (3 September 2010)—With governments across Latin America preparing to implement a new financial mechanism aimed at mitigating climate change by curbing carbon emissions from the destruction of tropical forests, experts gathering here today warned against a "one-size-fits-all" a

Issue date: 
01 September 2010

Norway urged to dump shares of other forest-destroying companies

Norway's Climate and Forests Initiative, which has set aside billions of dollars for efforts to reduce deforestation, should work with the country's Ministry of Finance to divest the Government Pension Fund from companies that destroy forests, says the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an environmental group.

Issue date: 
August 25, 2010

Forest Changes in Alaska Reveal Changing Climate

CAMBRIDGE, Md. -- Evidence is mounting that climate change is transforming Alaska's boreal forest, an expert said yesterday.

Issue date: 
August 26, 2010

Urgent Action Needed On Climate-Forestry Research

Urgent Action Needed On Climate-Forestry Research


Issue date: 
July 24th, 2010

Hubei Haman to Build the Country’s First Modern Forestry Sen

Central China’s largest sheet processing bases the “Hubei Modern Forestry Science and Technology Industrial Park of Forest Industry of Haman,” was formally established. This is the first modern forestry, forestry technology industry park, Hubei Province Forestry Bureau to actively promote the development of modern forestry industry, and create forestry development, technological innovation platform for yet another strategic move.


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by Dr. Radut