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Issue date: 
Friday 21 May 2010

HSBC climate change fund linked to deforestation

Campaign group asks HSBC to close investment fund loophole in bank's forest ethics policy.

Issue date: 
Mar 23rd, 2010

Drivers of Deforestation: In the Tropics, Urbanization Plays a Key Role

Stopping tropical deforestation is something that almost everyone can agree upon as a reasonable and intelligent way to reduce CO2 emissions. Trees absorb atmospheric CO2 and emit oxygen, acting as planetary lungs. Tropical rainforests are some of the largest stands of trees in existence.

Issue date: 
May 19th, 2010

World's Largest Forest Protection Deal Signed in Canada

Stakeholders end long-running feud to protect more than 70 million acres of boreal forest.

Issue date: 
November 2009

The Austrian Forest Biodiversity Index: All in one


Issue date: 
19th of May 2010

NGO partnership to raise awareness of FSC certified African blackwood

Sound & Fair has launched a partnership with Just Forests, an Irish NGO, to raise awareness of the availability of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified African blackwood, which is widely used in traditional Irish musical instruments.

Issue date: 
20 May 2010

National deforestation workshop in Cameroon looks beyond the forest

While it is clear that deforestation is an important source of global carbon emissions, the potential role that agricultural mosaics at the forest margin could play, to help reduce pressure on the forest, store carbon and create benefits for local people is gaining evidence   Scientists and fo

Issue date: 
May 8, 2010

Muddy Road Molds Debate on the Future of Guyana

FIFTY EIGHT, Guyana — A battered, decades-old Bedford truck that would not look out of place in a “Mad Max” movie pulled off the road. Gold miners crawled out of its mud-splattered cab, sauntered into Peter Rajmenjan’s diner and asked if he had any bush hog for sale.

Issue date: 
May 11, 2010

TZ forests to disappear in 10 decades

Tanzania’s entire forest cover will disappear in about 10 to 16 decades if the current high level of deforestation is not checked, a new survey warns.

Issue date: 
May 14, 2010

The World Bank Issue Brief: Forestry

  • Forests cover between 25 and 30 percent of the earth’s land surface. They help to maintain the fertility of the soil, protect watersheds, and reduce the risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides.
  • About 350 million people worldwide depend on forest resources for their livelihood—of those, 50 million (especially indigenous communities) are wholly dependent on forests.
  • About 65% of the total primary energy supply in Africa comes from biomass (30% in South Asia, 15% in Latin America and East Asia).
Issue date: 
May 14, 2010

Tree-huggers and loggers bury hatchet

A truce appears to be at hand in the long-running war in the woods.


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by Dr. Radut