British Columbia makes regulatory changes to provide access to logging slash to bioenergy producers
British Columbia‘s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson announced today regulatory changes that provide access to logging slash and wood waste fibre needed by bioenergy producers and manufacturers of wood pellets and other bio-
British Columbia makes regulatory changes to provide access to logging slash to bioenergy producers
British Columbia‘s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson announced today regulatory changes that provide access to logging slash and wood waste fibre needed by bioenergy producers and manufacturers of wood pellets and other bio-
Standing trees better than burning ones for carbon neutrality
But a new study by researchers at Duke and Oregon State universities finds that leaving forests intact so they can continue to store carbon dioxide and keep it from re-entering the atmosphere will do more to curb climate
Standing trees better than burning ones for carbon neutrality
But a new study by researchers at Duke and Oregon State universities finds that leaving forests intact so they can continue to store carbon dioxide and keep it from re-entering the atmosphere will do more to curb climate
Biomass had so much promise. But now it's about to go up in smoke. Only a few years ago, energy production from biomass had one of the brightest, most promising futures in both the US and Europe.
Biomass had so much promise. But now it's about to go up in smoke. Only a few years ago, energy production from biomass had one of the brightest, most promising futures in both the US and Europe.
While some logging advocates continue to talk up forest biomass as a green energy source, there’s good reason it isn’t happening on a significant scale.
While some logging advocates continue to talk up forest biomass as a green energy source, there’s good reason it isn’t happening on a significant scale.
Exploring the livelihood and environmental impacts of biofuels in the tropics
The economic and climate mitigation promises of biofuel expansion into tropical forests and woodlands are often elusive; in some cases land users struggle to reconstruct their livelihoods following displacement, while in others land use change may lead to the release of large amounts of carbon em
Exploring the livelihood and environmental impacts of biofuels in the tropics
The economic and climate mitigation promises of biofuel expansion into tropical forests and woodlands are often elusive; in some cases land users struggle to reconstruct their livelihoods following displacement, while in others land use change may lead to the release of large amounts of carbon em
A 50-year-old tree is cut down in the forest, ground into chips, trucked to a power plant and burned to generate electricity. All of the carbon stored in that tree has just been released into the atmosphere.