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October 2013

  • Issue date: 
    9 October 2013

    Woodland schemes cutting down corporate emissions

    Since the launch of the Woodland Carbon Code in 2011, UK businesses have become more aware of the benefits of emissions sequestration through the investment of sustainably managed woodlands.

  • Issue date: 
    October 17th, 2013

    Biofuels and forests: Revisiting the debate

    Much of the initial optimism about the contribution of biofuels to energy security, climate change mitigation and rural development has given way to skepticism about its economic viability and bad publicity about related land grabbing and environmental destruction.

  • Issue date: 
    Oct 22, 2013

    Protecting tropical rainforest: are parks or payments best?

    Tropical forests are home to many species as well as a store for large amounts of carbon, but they’re under threat of destruction.

  • Issue date: 
    October 10, 2013

    Texas Forests provide $93 billion in environmental benefits each year

  • Issue date: 
    Oct 10, 2013

    New study forecasts over 25 percent depletion of world's forests

    Forests worldwide will continue to slowly shrink before leveling out at a lower level, say researchers based at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, in a new study.

  • Issue date: 

    New EU group to promote sustainable tropical timber

    An organisation aiming to ensure tropical timber is used sustainably across the European Union will be launched next month.

  • Issue date: 

    Scottish academics lead rainforest research project

    A team from Aberdeen University is to lead a four-year study involving UK and international partners, into the impact of humans on tropical rainforests.

  • Issue date: 
    16 Oct 2013

    A new study shows what is wiping out our national forests, and how to find an environmentally friendly way forward

    Forest areas in Thailand have been shrinking at an alarming rate. Between 1973 and 2009, 30.9 million rai of land was cleared of trees, according to a study by Khwanchai Duangsathaporn, assistant professor at the Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry at Kasetsart University.

  • Issue date: 
    Tuesday 15 October 2013

    Why Ecuador's president is misleading the world on Yasuni-ITT

  • Issue date: 
    October 17, 2013

    Plants Help Control Carbon Sink, Keep The Earth From Cooking

    According to a new study led by Princeton University, enhanced growth of the Earth’s plants during the 20th century has caused a significant slowdown of the Earth’s transition to being “red-hot.” This study, the first to specify the extent to which plants have prevented

  • Issue date: 
    October 18th, 2013

    NZ - Forestry boom for East Coast economy

    Forestry is delivering a massive economic benefit to the Gisborne region in New Zealand and, with an expected boom in log exports, by 2020 one in 10 people could earn a living from the sector, according to a new economic study.

by Dr. Radut